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AN: sorry for this super late update!


Azula managed to fight off the avatar, his friends, her brother, and her uncle before grabbing Kira and escaping the scene. "Wake up, Kira." She commanded, though it didn't work. That water tribe boy hit her in the head with his boomerang. She could have a concussion. Azula had never before felt the feeling she had before. What was it? Worry. Azula was worried. She clutched Kira to her chest as she entered the war machine. Kira woke up, but her vision was still hazy as she clutched onto Azula with a groan in pain. "You're okay, I've got you." Azula whispered to her as she got off the mongoose lizard.

Mai and Ty Lee looked confused as Azula rushed Kira to the room where there was a Fire Nation healer on standby. She placed Kira on the cot carefully before telling the healer she was hit in the head. The healer used fire to connect with the chi, discovering where the pain was stemming from. "She is okay. She'll just suffer with headaches for awhile. Be gentle with her, Princess, and let her sleep." The healer gave Azula a bow before wrapping Kira's head carefully. Azula watched as Mai and Ty Lee looked at Azula for answers.

Azula walked out, dragging Mai and Ty Lee out so the Kira could sleep. "We need to head back towards the ship. Kira needs rest. The pony tail boy hit her on the head." Azula stated, heading towards the captain's quarters to tell him to turn around. "We will think of a new plan as Kira recovers. The only other place they would be going is Ba Sing Se. There's nothing else out here. The Earth Nation has colonies and only a few big cities." Azula said thoughtfully, entering the captain's quarters. "Head back to the ship." She demanded, before leaving, looking at Mai and Ty Lee.

Mai glanced at Ty Lee before letting her eyes meet Azula's cold ones again. "We understand you're upset, and you have the right to be upset. But, don't you think you should calm down a bit? Kira will be okay. For now, we need to think. That way what happened to Kira won't happen again." Mai stated, trying to calm the upset fire bender. Especially since she knew that when Azula was mad, she would get a bit out of hand. She has witnessed it, after all.

Azula looked over at Kira, closing her eyes as she breathed. Mai was right. Azula knew this. "You're right. I can't let my personal feelings distract me from what we need to do." Azula stated as she stood up. Apart of her wanted to stop and not move, but she knew she had to go and discuss future possibilities with Mai and Ty Lee. She gave Kira one last look before walking away with Mai and Ty Lee. "We need to talk about our future plans." Azula stated as they retreated from the room. Ty Lee lingered, looking down at Kira sadly. When she saw Azula gone, she pressed a kiss to Kira's cheek, leaving the room.

By the time Kira woke up, it had been hours and she discovered she was alone in a room she wasn't really familiar with. Blinking a bit, she noticed this was the healing area. She winced as she felt a strong pain in the back of her head. Taking some water from her bag that was beside the bed, she began healing her head. While fire healing was great, water went passed the surface when it came to healing.

A hum escaped Kira's lips as she felt relief. She didn't even notice the girl in the room with her. "I was beginning to think you were never going to wake up." Kira gasped, looking towards the door startled as she dropped the water she was bending. There stood a very vulnerable looking Azula. "When that water peasant hit you in the back of your head, I was worried." The girl said softy, cupping her cheek softly. Kira looked up at her as she searched her fierce golden eyes. Azula leaned in slightly before kissing her.

Kira wasn't surprised as she began kissing back. Azula was pleased with this, but soon pulled away. "I'm sorry, Princess." The water bender stated with a soft tease on her lips. "My intentions were not to scare you. Only to protect you." Kira moved some of Azula's hair behind her ear gently. They smiled at each other. They needed some time to enjoy each other's company. Azula moved into Kira's arms softly with a content sigh escaping her lips. Kira bit her lip happily as the girl she loved was being so open and vulnerable with her for once. It was nice.

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