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The Team

Kira stood beside Azula, in the middle of Li and Lo, discussing how they were going to track Zuko and Iroh. Kira hated this, but her loyalty stood with Azula. "When tracking your brother and uncle, traveling with the royal procession may no longer be an option." Li spoke, looking forward. She knew better than to look at the princess. So did her sister as she began to speak. "May no longer be wise." Lo added as an afterthought. "If you hope to keep the element of surprise." Li and Lo said in synch. They were Azula's royal advisors and teachers.

Azula thought for a moment, glancing at Kira who was steady watching the nature around them. Azula couldn't help but smile at what amazed the water bender before clearing her mind of her. "You're right. The Royal Procession is dead weight. If I want to catch my prey, I must be agile, nimble. I need a small, elite team. It's time to visit some old friends." Azula smirked at the thought. Excusing Lo and Li, she moved over, allowing Kira to squeeze into a seat made for one.

"Does this mean I get to see Ty Lee?" Kira asked, looking to Azula with a smile. She was always great at focusing on many things at once. "She was always such an amazing and kind friend."

Azula felt a twinge of jealousy, but held it together. "Yes, Kira, it does." After Azula confessed, they never discussed it again, like they said they would. Azula thought that maybe it was due to the fact the Kira didn't feel the same as she thought she did originally. Maybe, it was just too difficult for her to date in secret. Azula decided it was best not to push, to spare her own feelings.

Kira grinned excitedly, not knowing that Azula's feelings had been hurt slightly as the ship set a course onto where Azula was sure she'd find her friend. After all, Ty Lee did travel with the world famous circus, it wasn't hard to track her.

After many long hours, they reached their destination, Azula and Kira getting out to find the circus tents. "We haven't seen Ty Lee in a very long time." Kira pointed out happily, making Azula roll her eyes. "She used to show me all kinds of tricks. She was also very accepting of the fact I am a water bender. I think it took Mai a little longer to be okay with me." Kira spoke thoughtfully as circus tents were seen a small distance away. This only made the Water Tribe girl much more excited.

Azula looked over at Kira, letting her eyes linger for many long seconds. "Yes, well... It is hard sometimes when we're raised on certain beliefs. My father took a long time to accept you to. I'm glad he did since you were able to stay with us and became a member of our court. I still feel like the Fire Nation is the most powerful nation, but it's nice to see that one bender of a different element is decent." Azula said simply, making Kira nod slightly.

"Yes, well, you never met the people of my tribe. Though, I don't remember a lot, just the day I was found on a boat that I had fallen asleep on since it got lost in the water. I floated so far all the way to Fire Nation seas. But, anyways, not the point." Kira said, realizing she was getting off topic. She tended to stray from the original conversation. It was something Azula was both fond of and annoyed with. "I remember the snowball fights we had, how I was in training to heal, and the food. Everyone was so kind. While, yes, the Fire Nation is powerful, I do tend to miss home."

Azula almost responded, but spotted someone. With a smirk, she approached a girl standing on her hands- well, actually her fingers, wearing pink like it was her religion. "Why, Ty Lee, could that possibly be you?" Azula questioned rhetorically, watching the excitement grow on the girl's face.

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