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The Invasion of Ba Sing Se, Part One

Kira followed Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee as they approached the Earth King. She had to say, this was much easier than drilling a hole in the side of the wall. "In our hour of need, it is with the highest honor that I welcome our esteemed allies, the Kyoshi Warriors!" The Earth King introduced as the four girl bowed to him. Kira looked up slightly, seeing the excitement flashing upon the king's face. She felt a little bad for the king since he had no idea what was coming.

Moving to their knees, the four girls looked up to him. However, it was Azula who spoke. She made the plan after all. "We are the Earth King's humble servants." She claimed, causing Kira to feel shock within her. Azula so easily lied and it chilled her to the bone. It was also the fact she was able to pretend to serve someone that surprised Kira as she resisted the urge to look at Azula instead of the Earth King. Breathing in, she decided to keep her calm. She was still nervous about this plan Azula formulated. Someone was going to catch them. She just knew it.

Still, they passed through the Earth King easily and were even given private quarters in the palace. Kira sat beside Ty Lee as she removed the thick Kyoshi make up. "This much make up is going to make me break out." The waterbender pouted as she looked upon herself in the mirror. "How did Kyoshi do this and not break out? How did they not break out?" She mentioned the old avatar and the new warriors. It was ridiculous. Her face was already started to burn and was reddening. Those girls were crazy.

Azula walked in as Mai approached Ty Lee and Kira to take off her make up as well. She had already gotten rid of her make up. Her bare skin made Kira smile. The make up prevented Kira from seeing the princess all day. "We have been presented with an extraordinary opportunity, girls." She addressed the girls huddled by the mirror, placing a soft hand on Kira's shoulder briefly. This was how she showed affection. This was PDA for her. A small touch placed on Kira's shoulder. Nothing too much in order to keep her guard up in front of Mai and Ty Lee.

Ty Lee glanced at Kira then around to Mai. Kira noticed this and knew that Ty Lee was about to joke around with Mai. This often didn't go well since Mai didn't find Ty Lee's jokes towards her as very funny. Still, Ty Lee proceeded to joke anyways. "Mai finally gets to wear make up that's not totally depressing?" Ty Lee smirked teasingly at Mai. Mai just rolled her eyes, looking at her and giving a fake laugh before returning to cleaning off her make up. Ty Lee pouted, wishing her joke got more volume for once.

Azula sighed at the way Ty Lee was asking. Removing her hand from Kira, she looked out the window of their quarters. It wasn't a great view. It was just buildings surrounding them. Nothing impressive. "I'm talking about conquering the whole Earth Kingdom." Azula stated making the three girls look at her so quick, they probably had whiplash. "For a hundred years the Fire Nation has hammered away at Ba Sing Se from the outside. But, now we are on the inside and we can take it by ourselves." Azula claimed as she examined the outside buildings. Kira wanted to say something but stayed quiet.

However, staying quiet was hard for a certain gymnast as she looked at Azula excitedly. She took Kira's shoulders, almost standing up as she looked at Azula happily. "Gosh, you're confident. I really admire that about you." Ty Lee gushed making Kira raise her brows. Was she flirting with Azula? Surely, she wasn't. Ty Lee knew that something was going on between Azula and Kira, right? Kira made eye contact with Mai who seemed to be thinking the same thing. However, both just looked away and back to the princess herself as she talked.

Azula smirked, knowing this land would soon be hers. Her uncle might've been to weak to gain this land for the Fire Nation, but she wasn't. Azula was much stronger than him. She was even stronger than Firelord Ozai. "From the inside, we're in perfect position to organize a coup and overthrow the Earth King. The key is the Dai Li. Whoever controls the Dai Li, controls Ba Sing Se." The princess explained as she turned around to look at her friends. "Now, I am off to bed. Kira, join me." Azula ordered, not that she needed to. Kira hopped up and followed her to her room.

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