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Lady Kira

Azula admires her best friend as she read a book. For a moment, she forgot her place. She shouldn't fall for a waterbender, not to mention, a girl waterbender. It was against the rules. Especially due to her status. Although the Fire Nation was definitely more powerful the the other nations, Azula couldn't help but desire Kira. Kira was sweet and kind, calm and patient. She listened to Azula's rants, she gave Azula advice, and she gave Azula her company. Being a princess could sometimes be boring. However, when Kira was by her side as Lady In Waiting, she was able to be happy, comforted even.

Just as Kira looked up to meet Azula's eyes, there was a knock on the door. Kira sighed before standing up, getting the door for Azula. "Yes," she looked at the Fire Nation soldier at the door. He was about to give a dirty look to the Northern Water Tribe girl, but then saw the princess.

"Princess, it's time for you to address the soldiers on the main deck and the captain would like to see you." He spoke over the girl, which made Kira roll her eyes. Most soldiers did this, while others respected her since she was basically Azula's right hand woman. Even Ozai, who hated the people of different nations and tribes, enjoyed being in the girl's presence over time, especially because she proved to be an asset. "Shall I get you a palaquin?"

Azula noticed the way that the soldier dismissed Kira, which upset her. "Yes, fetch the palaquin. But, first, let's you and I have a chat, shall we? You are aware that no one knows who you are, yes? But, everyone has heard the tales of the Water Spirit who has helped the Fire Nation in many small battles. This is the Water Spirit. Lady Kira, soon to be general when I am Fire Lord. Don't disrespect her again or you'll be fired and thrown into a prison." Azula stated as she walked passed him but stopped. "Well? Aren't you going to get the palaquin for Lady Kira and I?" She questioned, a sharp eyebrow moving up, Kira joining the Princess's side.

The soldier ran away quickly as the girls waited. "I hate when they disrespect you. You went through a lot to get here. Even Father likes you and has admitted to it, and he doesn't like any Water Tribe member." Azula said angrily. A small smile came over Kira's face as she placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. Before she could say anything, the palanquin came, allowing Azula and Kira to enter. A short distance later, they were on the main deck where men were bowing for Azula.

As the curtains of the palanquin opened, Azula stepped out, followed by Kira. She looked around for a moment before giving a hand guesture for the men to stand. Her father told her to execute an order to the soldier as to not hold back when encountering Prince Zuko and her Uncle Iroh. "My brother and my uncle have disgraced the Fire Lord, and brought shame to all of us." She stated, stepping down the stairs. "You may have mixed feelings about attacking members of the royal family. I understand, but I assure you, if you hesitate, I will not hesitate to bring you down. Dismissed." Azula finished as she looked out at sea.

It wasn't long until the captain came running towards the girls frantically, a bit unprofessionally. "Princess, I'm afraid the tides will not allow us to bring the ship into port before nightfall." The captain said. Kira could sense the fear in his voice.

"I'm sorry, Captain, but I do not know much about the tides." False. Kira told her about how the moon would bend the water in the oceans, creating tides. That's how water benders learned to bend. However, Kira knew Azula was playing dumb to make a point. "Can you explain something to me?"

Kira looked over at the captain, feeling slightly sorry for him. The fear once only in his voice seemed to engulf him, filling his eyes. "Of course, your highness." He said, hiding the fear as best he could. Though, it was pointless.

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