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Family Matters

Kira knew what Azula was doing. Azula has told her about her plan to bring her brother back home and in her father's grasp once more. She wasn't sure how she felt about it. She just knew she wanted to support Azula, no matter how much she didn't agree with her actions and motives. It worried Kira sometimes. It scared her.

It was late now, Kira in her quarters rather than in Azula's as she bathed and got ready for bed. Soon, Azula returned, walking into Kira room as the girl did her hair. "The plan worked." She said with a smirk. Azula was also now dressed up in a nightgown. "Zuko will be coming tomorrow. It's perfect. This capture was east. He's always been so gullible." Azula's smirk widened as she crossed her arms and looked over at Kira.

Kira finished braiding her hair, tying it up. "That's great, princess." She turned to Azula, her blue eyes meeting amber ones. "I'm happy that your plan was achieved, so far. But, let's not get to ahead of ourselves. I would hate to see you disappointed." Kira said as she stood up, walking over towards Azula.

"What do you mean, Kira?" The Fire Nation princess scoffed, rolling her eyes. She knew that Kira didn't always agreed with her methods, but sometimes it upset her slightly. "Didn't you hear? It worked! It's going to continue to work too."

Kira nodded, walking towards her bed. "I'm sure you're right Azula. I'm sorry for ever seeming doubtful." Kira spike softly as she laid down, covering up. Looking at Azula's watchful eyes, she smiled a bit, opening up the covers. She knew exactly what Azula wanted.

Slipping beside Kira, she looked at her. "If this works... My father will praise me. Maybe give me my own palace. Imagine this, okay?" Azula watched as Kira nodded, closing her blue eyes. "You and I moving into a palace together. We're courting each other in secret. No one will ever know because it will just be us." She whispered to Kira.

Kira took a moment before her eyes widened. "Did you say courting?" She grinned, looking at Azula. Azula nodded sheepishly, feeling nervous for once. "I would love to talk about this more later, but for now, you need to go to bed and get your rest. Tomorrow is your big day, after all." Kira said with a grin, kissing Azula's cheek.

After Azula retreated to her quarters, Kira smiled to herself in bliss before frowning. What if Azula was messing with her? What if Azula learned about her feelings and was just using her? She's done it to others, what made Kira any different? This made it very difficult for Kira to sleep that night. However, eventually she did fall into a very sad sleep.

Waking up, she joined Azula who looked excited to see her but frowned a bit when Kira didn't give a reaction back. Clearing her throat, she watched Zuko and Iroh come down the long stone stairs to the Fire Nation ship.

Azula smirked as Zuko and Iroh came to the ship's boarding area. "Brother, Uncle! Welcome! I'm sp glad you decided to come." Azula bowed to the men, Kira doing the same. Zuko and Iroh returned the guesture, standing up straight.

The men straightened into two lines behind Zuko and Iroh as the captain went in front of them. "Are we ready to depart, your highness?" The captain asked Azula.

Azula gave Zuko and Iroh fake smiles before looking at the captain. "Set our course for home, Captain." She said as Kira glance at Zuko. He looked so hopeful, she felt so sorry for him. She knew he was going to be heartbroken when he discovers what Azula is doing. She couldn't hear what Zuko said, but saw him mouth what looked to be 'home,' causing Kira's heart to break further.

The captain began walking onboard, leading Zuko and Iroh to the main deck. "You heard the princess, raise the anchors. We're taking the prisoners home." He said, causing surprise to fall onto Zuko and Azula's face. Kira didn't feel bad about this slip up, if she was being honest with herself.

An angry look made its way to Azula's face. It was decided. She would most likely throw him overboard and let the tides smash him. She was done mulling it over. He made his final mistake.

Shock filled the captain's face as he realized what he had done. Fear soon replaced the shock as the two made eye contact. "Your highness, I..." The captain looked away quickly. He knew he was in trouble. He knew why was going to happen next.

Then, everything happened so fast. Iroh turned and began fighting the Fire Nation soldiers. Kira's eyes widened before she was ready to fight if attacked. However, her face was filled with pain unmatchable to the pain held on Zuko's face. "You lied to me." He growled. He was wounded. Badly. Kira could tell. The look of utter betrayal on his pale features.

Azula just smirked casually, looking down on him. "Like I've never done that before." She waved, moving to walk away. The two Fire Nation soldiers taking her place and sending fire Zuko's way. As Azula began walking off, Kira was watching the whole scene play out. Zuko kicking them away and then threatening Kira. "You won't hurt her, Zuko. I wouldn't let you." Azula said, looking at her brother.

Zuko breathed in, pushing Kira away. "You're right. This is between us." He began trying to attack Zuko with fire blades but Azula quickly avoided them. Fear filled Kira because with one wrong move, it would seriously injure Azula.

Azula pushes him over, not even breaking a sweat while Zuko has to catch his breath. "You know, Father blames Uncle for the loss of the North Pole, and he considers you a miserable failure for not finding the avatar. Why would he want you back home? Except to lock you up where you can no longer embarrass him." Azula grinned coldly at her brother.

This understandable made Zuko very upset as he went to fight Azula. Blue flames suddenly emerged, then lightning. All of a sudden, Iroh redirected the lightning and through Azula overboard. Quickly, Kira went to action, saving the princess. Azula looked at Kira embarassed as the water bender held her.

She lost a battle with her weak brother and uncle. It was very embarrassing. Most of all, it seems like last night, her feelings were one sided, that Kira didn't feel the same way. "I should change and then announce to the Fire Nation colony that we're looking for Zuko and Iroh." She said, moving away from Kira quickly. Just like that, Kira watched her slip away again.

𝑷𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑪𝑬𝑺𝑺    azula   Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin