One bed. 

Two of us. 

We turn to each other, horror on his face, mirroring my own expression. "There's only one bed?" He asks. "Well I just-" Lily pauses, suddenly looking apalled. "You two aren't together?" Her jaw drops. Malfoy and I catch each others eye once more before the two of us burst out laughing. 

"You think I would ever date her?" He exclaims. The humor of the situation dissapears immediately from his comment. "Hey!" I shout. "Oh no, I'm so sorry. I can get you two another room," She says. 

"Yes pl-" I cut Malfoy off immediately. "No worries at all! You've already done so much. I'm sure he won't mind taking the couch," I say, as I pat Malfoy's chest. "Oh hell no!" He snaps. "Just ignore him, we'll be ok! Thank you for everything, seriously!" I tell her. 

"Of course! If you need anything just call the front desk. They operate 24 hours. I'll be back on the clock at 8 tomorrow morning, so feel free to stop by anytime and I'll bring you back to see my Grandma," she tells me. 

"That's perfect. Thank you Lily, goodnight," I say, smiling warmly as she steps out, beginning to shut the door. "Night," she beams. 

The second she leaves and the door shuts, Malfoy and I turn to each other, holding onto an intense eye contact before we spring to life. "I call the bed!" I shout at the top of my lungs as I sprint towards it. The two of us scramble to the bed, trying to beat one another. 

I throw myself on top of it, but Malfoy grabs my leg, immediately yanking me off. I fall to the ground with a hard thud. Oh, absolutely not. I jump back onto my feet, blood boiling, to find him sprawled out, trying to take what he thinks is his. Cute, but not gonna happen. 

Using all my strength I shove right into his side, watching as he rolls of the bed, catching himself just in time. I jump back onto the bed tearing off the covers, and throwing myself inside. "Ha! You can't kick me out now," I triumph

He shakes his head, deviously smirking. "I don't think so," he smirks. He rips back the covers and I can't help the small squeal that escapes my lips. In two seconds, he bends down, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. "Malfoy! Let me go now!" I shout loudly as I begin slamming my fists into his back. He just laughs his head off, thinking it's the funniest thing in the world, which it is absolutely not. 

He throws me down onto the couch, smirking widely. "It's mine now," he says. "No!" I cry out. I jump to my feet, trying to shove him away from the bed but he doesn't budge. He's much stronger and bigger than I am, I barely do a thing. "I want the bed!" I whine. 

"Sorry sweetheart, but I claimed it," He says smugly. 

"You did not! You threw me off of it after five seconds," I snap. 

"Tough life," he frowns. 

"You're evil."

"I know." 

"What if you just take the couch?"

"Hell no, Ashwood."

"Why can't we just share the bed?" 

"Why would I ever share a bed with you?!" He scoffs. 

"Maybe because I'm so tired, I don't even care at this point," I mutter. 

He pauses for a second. Looking pained and torn as he finally says, "Fine." He shakes his head. "But if you so much as touch me during the night, I'm throwing you off the balcony," he snaps. 

"Fine by me," I say triumphantly, before quickly finding the bathroom to hog it from Malfoy. After a long hot shower, I finally feel refreshed and clean, beyond ready to head to bed. A sudden pounding sounds on the door. I gasp and grab one of the towels, quickly wrapping it around myself. 

"What?" I snarl. 

"Can you take any longer?" Malfoy groans impatiently. 

"Just hold on," I snap and turn to grab my clothes when I realize I actually forgot to grab a pair of clean ones. Shit. I stand incredibly still, debating putting my dirty clothes that I traveled in, back on. The thought makes me frown. I just showered, and I was a little too lazy to change twice. But then again, my mortal enemy was standing just outside. I clench my teeth. 

"Malfoy?" I call out. 

"What?" he snaps. 

"Close your eyes," I say. 


"Close your eyes, I'm coming out." 

"Why should I close my eyes?" 

"Because I'm half naked," I roll my eyes. 

"Well now I have to look," he mutters. 

I feel my face grow red. "Just close your eyes!" I shout. "Fine, fine. Just hurry. Goddamn," he says. I let out a deep breath and slowly open the door, peering around it to find his back facing me. I scramble across the room, throwing open my suitcase and grabbing the first pair of pants and shirt I see. I stand up and turn around, hurrying back into the bathroom. I slam the door shut, and let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in. 

"Nice legs, Ashwood." 

I nearly pass out. 

THE VISION THIEF - D. MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now