Track 14. | Dreams

Start from the beginning

I'm going to run this son of a bitch over.

I open the door and he jumps out of the way to avoid being hit.

"Give me the fucking keys!" I say reaching up to grab them from his grip.

"Nope, as much as I want you to leave sunshine, you gotta stay here you're one of us now" he says with a sarcastic smile before walking back into the house.

I watch him walk in and look at the car behind me and huff and scream quietly in annoyance before walking back in after him making sure I slam the door as hard as I could.

"Dude! You'll take the door off the fucking hinges!" Niall shouts still at the fireplace.

"Oh and how's that fire coming along Einstein?" I say looking at him with narrow eyes.

"Someone get her tampons or something she's giving me a headache" Jesse says with his eyes closed on the sofa a cigarette in one hand a glass of whiskey in the other.

I glare at him and he opens his eyes immediately when he realises he said that out loud.

"Please don't shoot me" he says quickly holding his hands up in surrender.

I roll my eyes and turn back to the rest of them who seem unfazed by my anger.

"Stevie, can you drive me home? I just need to get my dog and maybe Will, they can't live without me" I say in a calmly my voice getting more scratchy the more I think about leaving Elton home alone and Will at home wondering where I am.

Stevie looks at Harry who's still holding the keys.

"You have one hour, you get the dog and your little friend and straight back here, your friend can't leave once he's here, he's one of us then" Harry says looking at me with a serious tone.

I look at him and at the rest of the boys. How am I going to explain this to Will? What if he runs and tells the cops where we are? The one thing he told me to do was to not get myself in trouble and now look where I am.

"Fine, but can you all tell him why he's here, I'm not being the one who tells him his best friend got angry and accidentally got herself stuck in a gang" I say rolling my eyes and walking out of the living room towards the front door.

Stevie follows behind me quickly smiling at me as we sit into the car.

"I'm sorry about all this Bowie" she says as she starts the car up.

"It's not your fault, I got angry, it's my own fault I'm stuck in this mess" I say with a huff and look out at the now darkening sky.

"It's not that bad once you get used to it, we're like one big family...who do crime and shit" she says her voice getting lower after realising how fucked it actually is.

"How long have you been a part of this? What did you do to get yourself into this mess?" I ask turning to face her.

Her dark brown almost black curly hair frames her face as she keeps her head turned to look at the road. A small smile plays on her lips before she speaks again.

"I grew up this way" she says shortly not elaborating on it.

I look at her with a confused expression and turned back to look at the road ahead of us being illuminated by the headlights of the car.

The car falls silent as we both watch ahead of us, our minds taking over our ability to talk. Stevie breaks the silence by talking again.

"Harry's my brother, you probably realised we had the same last name" she says looking at me from the side of her eye and then back at the road.

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