1. Who is he?

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Tony's POV

It was a nice calm evening.  Thor was on Asgard taking care of the Loki situation, so it was only the five of us but it was still nice.  The Chitauri had been taken care of but we were still rebuilding.  Suddenly JARVIS said "Sir there appears to be some kind of disturbance outside."


"I'm not entirely sure, should I project the security footage?"

"Yes, and get the rest of them down here." 
By the time they all get here I've left to get suited up.  Some little kid is being attacked by several things and I don't know what they are.  Two looked like huge dogs with red contacts but there was also a weird lady with a furry leg and a prosthetic, and some other weird stuff.  Normally I would try to ignore it but she freaks me out.  I hear someone curse and Steve say "Language!" but I'm focused on getting my suit on as quickly as possible.  Finally I have it on and I rush outside.

It appears the kid has a sword, and knows how to use it.  That's odd but considering we have a guy on our team who still uses a bow and arrows I can't really say anything.  He's good I have to admit but he's still outnumbered by a ridiculous number.  "Don't worry I'll take care of it" I say and he looks up in shock.  I guess it isn't everyday you meet your hero and he saves you from alien monsters.

He turns around but he's too slow, I can already see that he's going to be hit by some sort of blade from what looks like what I imagine Steve looked like when he was in capsicle form.  It hits him and he screams.  Just then everyone else bursts out the doors. 
I grab the kid and fly him over to Bruce.  "Can you take care of him, he got stabbed.  We'll deal with these."  I look back at them and am surprised that there are no bodies, but I'll worry about where they went later.  I head back into the fight.

A while later we're coming inside.  It took forever to get rid of them.  They seemed unusually resistant to everything we did, Clint's arrows barely touched them.  Not to mention the way the crazy lady was so seductive.  Natasha had to take her on alone, the rest of us kept getting distracted and if we hadn't had her the lady would've killed us all.  Now I want to check on the kid.

Everything seems calm, when I get there.  The others got in ahead of me because I had to put my suit away.  It would be perfectly normal, if Bruce wasn't in shock over in the corner and there wasn't a strange kid lying there.  "What's up?" I ask as I grab a bag of blueberries.  I know it's not sanitary but I can pay for replacements, and being a superhero makes me hungry.

"What do you know about DNA?" Bruce asks and he looks more freaked out than he was after he hulked out.

"I know the basics, like how it's called deoxyribonucleic acid.  Why?"

"I don't know how else to say it, this kid isn't human."

"WHAT?" We all shout and he rubs his temples before glancing over to see if we woke his patient.

"His DNA is only half human, I don't get what the other half is.  It's even weirder than Steve's, no offense."

"None taken, I know I'm different.  But what does that mean?"

"I'm not sure, but I wonder if he's from Asgard as well.  That would explain why he was being attacked by such strange creatures, and the anomalies I've spotted.  But why would they send a kid here?  And why weren't  we told if they did?"

"Maybe as a spy" Natasha points out.

"But why would they send a kid?  Kids should relax and have fun" Steve points out.

"It could be to get us to lower our guard" Clint says thoughtfully.

"Why don't we just ask him?" I say before reaching into my bag.  "Who stole my blueberries?"

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