9. Shadowtravel

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A/N I know it's the wrong fandom but I like it. Also merry Christmas/Friday.

Nico's POV

Well that failed, so what should I do now? I thought I had everything planned out, but they found me too quickly. Maybe the ceiling was spying on me, that seems likely, although I thought I told it to not tell anyone. Maybe there was some sort of hidden security on the wings. Now I'm on high security again and Wilson hates me. To be fair, I'd be mad if someone did that to me, but I wouldn't have kidnapped me. It's stuffy in here, but I can't open the windows, so I'll just deal with it. I could ask one of them to crack a window but I don't want to talk to them.

I'm bored

I'm bored

I'm bored

I'm bored

I'm bored

I'm bored

I'm bored

I'm bored

I'm bored

I'm bored

I'm bored

I'm bored

I'm bored

I'm bored

I'm bored

I'm bored

I'm bored

I'm bored

I'm bored

I'm bored

I'm still bored and for a demigod that's dangerous. I wonder, if I got sticky shoes would it be easier to paint the ceiling? Or maybe I should try and throw the box that just appeared out of the shadows at the window to break it. Wait, that's probably from my father, I should open it, it's probably got something to do as it's from a god.

Most children of Hades seek out this information, but as you're unable to leave and have nothing to do I managed to get your dad to agree to send the texts to you now. Some of your abilities are rather strange and dangerous, so you need training. I also hope you will not try to fly again, my brother is not very forgiving. Please stay safe and don't divide the family,

Okay, so my immortal aunt just gave me a box she convinced my father to give me because I'm bored and have nothing better to do, a box full of dangerous knowledge, seems reasonable. I also have to not split up the family, so no killing Percy with this, or most demigods I guess. I mean I doubt anyone would be that mad at me getting rid of a Stoll, they're basically the same person even if they are different ages. In fact I'd probably be doing their poor teachers a favor. So what is in the box?

Reading materials were not what I expected. I expected a sword or a shield or something magical, not a bunch of stuff to read, although it's at least in Greek to make it easier. I open the top scroll and begin to read, as there's nothing better to do.

Okay this is interesting. Apparently I have the ability to teleport through shadows. I need to picture where I'm going and then go into the shadow and use it to pop out wherever I want to be, although it can be unpleasant. The scroll mentions that things are different based on how strong one's connection to shadows are, but that all of Hades' kids have a strong connection. I'll probably be able to feel them calling to me, especially as I'll be the one doing the teleporting or shadow traveling as it's called. I want to try, but it's also one and I haven't eaten yet. Also I need to figure out how to get off camera, I'm not sure how I'd explain this away and if they found out I doubt I'll ever be allowed to leave, and being on the run from the government would not be useful. Maybe claim I'm going for a run and then sneak off and run into a wall's shadow or something. Of course if I fail it'll be hard to explain and will make future attempts harder, but it's a risk I'll have to take.

New York (Nico and the Avengers)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt