40. Suspicions

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Bucky's POV

Someone's knocking on the door but I'm really sleepy so I'll let Steve deal with it. Hopefully they'll go away soon and let him come back, I don't like how cold I feel without him. Unfortunately they don't go away and I'm getting colder while Steve's over there talking to whoever thought it was a good idea to wake Steve up when he was sleeping in for the first time in ages. Of course they probably didn't know that, but ignorance can only excuse so much.

I hear Steve's footsteps coming back after what feels like ages, but there's a new problem, someone else, I think Peter as it isn't Nico and isn't a grown up, is also here. "Go away," I groan into the pillow. I like this relaxing in bed thing, maybe I can get Steve to start doing it more.

"What's going on with Nico?" Peter demands, jumping up so he's sitting next to me.

"I don't know, now go away."

"Bucky, wake up," Steve says. I guess we aren't going to be relaxing anymore, and I can't ignore him so I guess I'll try and stay awake for the rest of the day. But staying half asleep still sounds a lot better.

"What do you want?"

"I want to know what's going on with Nico." Peter says and holds up a hand as though to prevent me from speaking. It's a reasonable precaution, I would be saying something now if I was fully functional. "Before you say anything I know something's going on, probably a lot of different things and that you guys know at least one of them. I know he also doesn't want to talk but I'm worried about him. Most likely you two also promised not to tell anyone, but I'm sure we can find a way around your promise without compromising Steve's honor."

Well that's a problem, we can't tell him about the Gods, and he wouldn't understand any clues we could drop because the idea of Greek Gods existing and living in the city is completely implausible even for us. Besides, Nico really doesn't want to talk about any of it. "I think he's just grieving," Steve says. "I know it's rather odd but Nico is very unique and it's a big deal to adjust to losing his only sibling, so give him the space he needs to grieve."

"That does sound right, but if it's true I wouldn't think he was off because he would've been like that the whole time. So obviously something has changed. Has he been talking to someone or something?"

"What do you mean?" maybe he's noticed something we haven't.

"Well he's been spending more time alone in his room, and he's a lot more tired than he was before, although he's apparently sleeping the same amount. I think he's sneaking out at night or calling someone or something, because the only reason is if he isn't sleeping at night. I asked JARVIS but he said I don't have the authority to see that sort of thing, so I was hoping you guys could help me figure out what's going on and how to help him."

Steve seems to be thinking. "I did notice that he's more tired, but is it possible it's just nightmares or something?"

"It is possible, but why would he start having nightmares this often for no reason? If it is nightmares something must have triggered it, and I can't think of what that would be."

"Maybe one of the fights we saw him get into? And it might be that he just hid that he wasn't sleeping from us."

"Yeah, but that doesn't feel right. Is it possible his past caught up to him or something?"

"I think he's just having a hard time at the moment, and poking and prodding at him won't help, and could make things worse."

"But I can't just let him get worse and not help!"

"Don't worry, we're keeping an eye on him. If we think it's really a big deal we'll tell someone," Steve says, quickly soothing Peter. I wish I could do that, but my arm makes that unlikely if not impossible.

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