48. The second attack pt 2

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Clint's POV

We're totally screwed.  I don't know where they got their allies from but in a three on two fight we're losing.  If I could actually get an arrow in the guy it would be fine, but even when I shoot where he's going to be he sees the arrow coming and changes his path.  "Got any bright ideas?" Natasha asks as she skids to a stop next to me.

"They seem to care for each other a lot, but I don't know how we'd do a hostage situation because he can just outrun us, along with my arrows and your bullets."

"It would need to be some sort of trap where moving would kill whoever it was faster than he could run, and I doubt we can do that."

"Yeah, I hope the others finish up quickly."

"Do you know where the reinforcements came from?"

"No idea, but they seem to want Nico, maybe they're who he's been running from."

"Well then I guess it's for the best that he isn't here."

"What do you mean Nico Di Angelo isn't here?"  the boy says as he basically teleports over.

Natasha just smirks and says, "he isn't here.  It doesn't matter how fast you are or how many of you there are, that won't make him appear out of thin air."

"Maybe not, but if he doesn't show up your precious Stark will be in even more trouble than he already is."  before long we're knocked out, and Tony's gone.

"What happened?" Bucky asks as he helps me get up.

"They've got Tony, and are demanding Nico or else Tony's in more danger."

"But we don't have Nico and we aren't going to trade a kid for an adult!" Bucky says looking horrified.

"Yeah, hopefully he'll stay far away and won't find out because if he knows he'll probably get involved."

"Speak of the devil," Bucky groans and I turn to see Nico walking in the front doors.  He looks a bit thinner and dirtier than he was when I last saw him but otherwise alright.  He's got a cut on his forehead but it doesn't look bad or infected.

"What happened?" he asks looking around at the mess.

"The twins took Tony."

"That's not good, but how, we beat them last time."

I look down and everyone else is also avoiding his eyes.  I guess I'll tell him.  "They had some sort of backup."

"What kind of backup?" he says, eyes widening.  I'm about to answer when he spins around.

"So, a second-" they start to hiss before Nico beheads them.

"What was that for?" Steve says, shocked.  "They weren't attacking!"

"Maybe not, but they have tried to kill me in the past."  he's not telling the whole truth but I'm sure he has a reason, I'll ask him about it later.

"What did they mean by a second?" Natasha asks.

"um...ah...That's a secret," Nico says, giving up on finding an excuse under her glare.

"No, they attacked, we need to know." I say firmly.  He doesn't want to tell, but I'm sure it won't be the weirdest thing I've seen, after all I was in Budapest.  Besides one of our teammates is a literal God, we're all used to craziness.

"I can't." he says, looking miserable.  "I'll try and get Tony back, do you know where he is?"

"We're not trading you for him!" Steve says passionately.

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