25. Ghosts

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Nico's POV

How can I figure out if Kronos is involved with the tower?  I've been slacking off and goofing around but I need to figure it out.  Originally I just thought this place had security which was why I wasn't being attacked, but now I'm starting to think it has something to do with my grandfather.  Three people out of time all living here and me, the only child of Hades, is somehow not being attacked while being surrounded by technology, and using it a lot.

Wait, if the empire state building is supposed to represent Mount Olympus, maybe this is Mount Othrys. They're the tallest buildings, so I guess if I'm living in the titan stronghold, that would cloak it in Kronos's scent or whatever so I'm being muffled by it.  That means...as long as I'm here I'm safe from being found out, or mostly safe anyways.

So, should I stay then?  I mean it will require me to stay around these humans, but it would increase my chances of living longer.  I'd have to keep hiding, but if I'm no longer trying to run away they'll trust me more, and besides they've got Bucky to keep their eyes on.  I guess I need to decide which is worse, Luke or the supervision and coddling.  I am the Son of Hades, I don't need to be coddled!  Just then there's a knock on the door.  "Who is it?"

"It's Pepper, I was wondering if you wanted to eat lunch together." 

So far she hasn't annoyed me and I don't know her so I say "okay."

"What do you want?" she asks looking at one of the huge cupboards.

"I'm not a picky eater," I say.

"What do you want?"

"I really don't care," I say but she just looks at me and I know she wants me to choose something,  "alright...pasta."

For a second I can practically see the words 'what kind of pasta?' but she controls herself and says, "okay, but it's going to take a minute to cook the pasta."

"Don't worry about it."  I know I'm not contributing to the conversation much but she's the one who started this whole thing not me.

"Do you like it here?"

That's a good question, do I like it here?  I mean they did kidnap me, and refuse to let me go, but they're also nice.  And yes they did use force but they were trying to look out for me.  And they've never tried to really hurt me, they do push me out of my comfort zone yes, but they're just trying to understand me or get me involved.  Or they're trying to protect themselves, and I get why Romanoff doesn't really trust me, and it's not like I really trust her either.  But in the end I guess it's...

"Yes."  because despite all the annoyances theis kinda feels like home now.  It hasn't been very long but considering my only memories are of a hotel, a school, and a camp this is the most home like place I can remember.  And it's the only place with a functional family that's more than the pair of us.  And yes, she was always enough for me but that doesn't mean I wouldn't have enjoyed more, or a grown up.  Everyone here treats me like a kid and while I hate the condensation and overprotective side that comes with it, the feeling of having someone take care of me who isn't a kid like me is nice.

"Well I'm glad you're comfortable here," Pepper says, dragging me out of my thoughts.  She's studying me, trying to understand but not like I'm an enemy, more like I'm her child.

"Well people can adapt to anything once they've been forced to live with it long enough."

"Not really, their true self will always come out in the end," she says as she stirs the pasta.

"But who you truly are changes."  I'm not the carefree idiot I used to be, I never will be again.

"Not really, your soul stays the same, but how you express it changes."

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