19. Check up

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Nico's POV

Why would I want to summon a cat that's a skeleton part of the time? I'm reading through one of the books my dad sent through Hestia and I came across a chapter on growing things out of teeth. It's interesting, and it seems that I will have a level of control over whatever's grown, as a child of Hades. However I can't order them around or anything like that, or at least I probably can't. I turn the page and freeze.

Sybaris' teeth
An extremely hard to get type as few have managed to get away from her safely. If some are procured then plant them in the soil of a fresh grave for best use and recite the incantation before watering them with blood. This will cause a warrior to rise from each planted tooth. Once they rise they will gain a scent and hunt them until they die. Due to her powerful nature the skeletons have almost no obedience to those who would normally command them, and cannot be killed the way most skeletons can. Only a god or a child of Hades or Thanatos can kill them. Avoid at all costs.

I remember them, and they are nasty. If they could terrify Percy that much, and the book says they're that dangerous, I'm glad I banished them. That also explains why he was so freaked out and told me to run, if he couldn't kill them and they got through the protective barriers they're a real problem. However the way they say unlike most skeletons suggests that most skeletons can be killed by anyone, although I'm not sure how you'd do that considering they're just bones. Maybe that'll be covered in another chapter, after all I'm currently only on teeth, which are apparently pretty simple if you can get the ingredients. Of course, the story of Jason already suggests that, and the camp versions are usually right so I could've figured that out. I wonder if these skeletons could kill each other. Also, where did they get those teeth? If I remember correctly Sybaris lives at sea, and I don't think she went on water during the quest. Maybe they were transported to land to hunt them down. I guess they were hunting Percy, maybe it has something to do with his dad. Of course Thalia was also on that quest but maybe he was considered a bigger threat, either because he was a boy or because she used to know Luke. or maybe she hadn't displayed the same level of power, or Kronus's army was more afraid of Zeus, but seeing how he reacted when my dad tried to kill her I doubt that was it. Unless they didn't want to hurt her so Zeus would vote against acting at the solstice. He does have a vote and can influence the others a lot, Hera is his wife after all and several others are his kids. But that's besides the point now. What would happen if I planted my dad's teeth? Probably nothing because otherwise there'd be a story about it. Unless that was how he was planning on creating the army he was going to use to keep Persephone.

"Nico, lunch!" I hear Natasha call through JARVIS.

"JARVIS, tell her I'm coming." I say as I carefully close the book to avoid dislodging the bookmark or damaging it.

"Bruce made lasagna," Natasha says when I enter. "Unfortunately Clint isn't here, so we'll have to eat his share as well."

"Where is Clint?" Dr. Banner asks as he puts his apron away.

"He's...preoccupied," Natasha says with a faint trace of a smirk.

"What did you do and why?" I ask.

"He annoyed me and was annoying when you guys were hungover," she says simply. "It's too bad that my revenge just happened to be on the day he likes what we're eating."

"Where'd you tie him up?"

"What makes you think I'd do something like that?" she asks, pretending to be wounded. I just raise an eyebrow and she relents. "He's on the roof."

"And?" because she'd never do something that simple to Clint.

"And there's glitter and glitter bombs everywhere."

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