41. Heels

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Nico's POV

"Nico, wake up!" someone shouts way too early in the morning.  I guess the Fates wanted to get back at me for waking up Steve and Bucky.

"Go away!"

"No, come out or let us in!"

They aren't going away.  I'm decent so I just sit up and yell, "fine, come in."  the entire population of the tower crowds into my room for some reason.  "What's the occasion?  And why is everyone wearing heels and-" I don't like the grins on their faces.  I really don't like the look in their eyes.  And I really really don't like the fact that they're all in high heels and Natasha is holding a pair that looks like they could fit me.

"So we were talking-" Clint starts but I cut him off.

"I don't know what kind of stupid stuff you guys were doing that forced you all to wear those torture devices but I am not wearing high heels and that is final."

"Come on, everyone else is."

"Well you're all stupid adults and I'm not."

"Yeah, you're too short to be an adult, and you don't care that you're about to be four inches shorter than usual."

"Five actually."

"And you're going to be hitting your heads on things all day, if you can even balance."  I point out.

"So you're too weak to wear them even though everyone else is going to at least try?" Natasha goads me.

I know what she's doing but I still say, "fine, I'll wear them, but only for today."  Everyone cheers and she hands me the heels.  I slip them on and they're surprisingly not painful.  Thankfully they're pure black so I won't look extremely stupid, although I'm still wearing heels which really aren't my style.  It doesn't seem too bad, until I try to walk.  I take one step and immediately my ankle twists and I wobble.  Natasha grabs my arm to steady me and I nod in thanks, trying to concentrate on walking with my balance this far off.

Clint giggles and Natasha shoots him a glare before saying, "you were just as bad when you put them on."

"Yeah, but this is really funny."

"It is amusing, I have to admit," Steve says and Bucky nods in agreement.  I glare at them, but it doesn't work as well when I'm walking like a foal.

"And I suppose you had no problems?" I ask, because no one could walk in these things without practice.

"Nowhere near the level you're having, I do have enhanced balance," Steve points out.

"Yeah, well that's cheating."

"No it isn't," Bucky protests on his behalf.  "He's got better natural balance than you, so he can wear heels better, besides I think he did wear them on tour."

"Shut up about the tour!" Steve exclaims, they were probably talking about it earlier today if he's that irritated, or he didn't get enough sleep or something.

"Never!" Bucky says causing Steve to launch himself at Bucky, or try to.  He misjudges because of the heels and Bucky can't catch both of them because of the heels, so they both go down.  Clint and Bruce try to catch them and both get pulled down as well, slamming into Tony so they're all piled up on the floor.  I'm really glad Natasha was stabilizing me otherwise there's a chance they would've gotten me as well.  "Ow," someone says but I can't tell who.  I look at her and we both burst into laughter.  Unfortunately for me she lets go, and I end up crashing on top of the body pile.

"You guys really can't do anything in heels," she says as she looks down at us literally at her feet, brought down by her footwear.

"Well we haven't had any practice!" I protest, my face so red it feels like it must be on fire.

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