28. Aftermath

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Nico's POV

Something is really wrong. Steve said he and Bucky had to talk to Tony yesterday and asked me to stay in my room. I was going to anyways, I needed to nap before my meeting with Minos but now that I'm not focused on sneaking out I can feel how...off everything is. I'd thought it had been because of me, but it isn't. What happened? Ever since yesterday's fight Steve and Bucky have been in their room, and Tony hasn't left his lab, except to grab a ridiculous amount of strong alcohol. Today there's no premade breakfast, so I grab a bowl of cereal. I have to say, I will miss the constant food when I leave, but as I have confirmed that I can get her back there's no way I'm going to refuse just because it's a little uncomfortable, I don't care if I have to die to let her live again, I will do anything for her.

"Morning Nico," Bruce says as he comes in and starts to make his own bowl of cereal.

"Morning, do you know what happened?"

He thinks for a very long moment before saying, "somewhat."

"What happened?"

"I don't think I should be the one to tell you, and you're not ready to hear about it."

"Trust me, I'm old enough," after all I lost her. If I can deal with that I can hear about whatever's messed up those three.

"No." he says and refuses to budge.

"Can I come in?" I ask as I knock on the door. They don't answer so I try a different way. "JARVIS, please open the door."

"I cannot." he says, it was worth a shot, they're both old enough to have forgotten JARVIS, but it appears they didn't, or Tony made some sort of auto lock when feeling sad thing.

"I'm coming in," I warn before pushing the door open, as I had expected it wasn't locked. They're both still in bed, even though it's a lot later than when they usually get up. Bucky appears to have fallen asleep crying in Steve's arms. They look really comfortable, but I want answers so when they don't stir I grab Bucky's arm and shake him.

That was a really bad idea.

As soon as he feels my hand he jumps, attempting to pin me but either forgot Steve or thought he'd move because he gets caught as Steve's arm tightens around him. Then Steve tries to jump in front of Bucky but forgets that he's on a bed, and their legs may have been tangled together because he trips as well. It feels like forever but it's really just a few seconds before I'm flat on my back and trying to push Bucky off me. He reaches out to thin air. Probably trying to grab his weapon but of course it isn't there. "Stop!" I say because he's a lot better at me when we're wrestling, especially with his advantages in reach and muscles.

"Nico?" Steve says as he squints at me. "What's going on?"

"I wanted to know what happened yesterday so I tried to wake you guys up and this happened." I say nodding my head to indicate everything. "Could you let me up now Bucky?"

"Of course, I am so sorry."

"It's fine, I should've expected that."

"I should have more control." he says as he pulls me up.

"I shouldn't have startled you like that, maybe next time I'll just ask JARVIS to turn on the sprinklers, but not over me."

"I think that would end even worse," Steve says.

"Probably, but it would be funny," I say.

"Not to us," Bucky points out.

"I guess, is everyone okay?"

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