44. Attack part 2

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A/N picture is unrelated

Steve's POV

"Steve, Bucky the tower is going into lockdown." JARVIS says and we both jump up. 

I start suiting up while Bucky figures out what's going on.  "What is happening?"

"It appears two or three people are trying to kidnap Mr. Stark.  The tower was put on lockdown by Nico after Mr. Stark was knocked out and two of the people are the enhanced from the earlier mission."

"This is a problem."

"Yeah, we need to get down there and help out.  JARVIS, who is the third person?"

"They appear to be a civilian delivery man.  I must recommend that you do not open any way to get onto the floor.  At the moment they cannot leave but the boy could easily get both of them out in the time it would take you to enter."

"Steve, Bucky," Bruce says as he burst in without knocking, "can you help?"

"Maybe, but we can't get onto the floor, or else they'll get out.  You?"

"I don't want to risk the Hulk unless things get really bad.  However, talk to Clint, he knows how to get between floors through the vents, and the boy doesn't know about them.  Besides, they wouldn't be able to pull Tony through them."

"Right, where's Natasha and Clint?"

"Clint is on the same floor as Nico, and Natasha is already in the vents."

"Can you guide us through the vents JARVIS?"  I ask.  My teammates need us, we can't just sit here and wait for them to fix it.

"I can try, but you will have trouble."

"I don't care," I swear.

"Very well, open the vent twenty feet to your left.  Once there turn right and go down.  You need to descend two stories and then you should be on the right floor."

"Thank you JARVIS," I say as I wait for Bucky to open the vent and slip through.  "Bruce, can you get ready for injuries?"

"Of course captain," he says and runs off to the medbay.  "I'll also contact Fury, we're going to need him to confine them somewhere and backup wouldn't hurt."

"Thanks," I say and slip in after Bucky.

When we get down everything's dark but thankfully the serum enhanced my eyesight as well so it isn't that bad.  "Where do we go now?"  Bucky asks but then there's a flash of extra dark shadows and red and two bodies appear out of thin air.  One, who looks a lot like Nico collapses immediately but he looks slightly see through.  But I'm sure that;s just my mind, Nico's completely solid.

Unless this is some sort of trip by the other who looks like the one who messes with minds.  She screams and there's a blur and the boy appears.  "Are you okay?" he asks.  I motion to Bucky to move to his other side.  We can't match his speed but maybe we can sneak up on him and neutralize him that way.  Bucky nods, he always was good at understanding what I was trying to do.  Once we're in position I launch myself at him, swinging the shield as well.  I'm not going to be able to grab it back but Bucky will and he's good with it as well.  He catches my hand and slips out of the way of the shield.  I overpower him but he's already gone.  Bucky lunges and misses as well.  He passes the shield back to me and we attack again but he continues to evade us.  While he's distracting us I see the girl gathering magic to her, I try to warn Bucky but we're too slow and she hits him.  I'm the only one left, and I have to fix this.  Fighting the boy isn't working so I throw my shield at the girl.  I don't like hurting her but I can't let them take my teammate, and they already hurt everyone else.  Nico's still lying in the corner unconscious and I think he's crying.  Considering what she can do I think he needs help as soon as possible.

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