6. Bruce Banner

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Steve's POV

"What's wrong?" I ask when I come back from my morning run, that I did not invite Nico on.  After what happened yesterday, god was it really yesterday?  Well, I'm not allowed to invite him on my runs anymore, something about security and public image.  I don't entirely get it but if Natasha and Tony agree it's a bad idea then it probably is.

"I've been looking into Di Angelo," Natasha says bringing me back into the present, "and I've found something."


"I'm not sure."

"Then why are we all here?"

"Because we should check it out."

"Are we going to tell Nico?" Clint asks.
Natasha thinks for a moment before deciding.  "No, the risk of him being in contact with someone is too high, and the reward is basically nonexistent.  I can't think of a reason for HYDRA to tell him anything important, so we're going in blind either way."

"Who's going?" Bruce asks.

Tony shakes his head without looking up from his phone.

"I don't think we want the hulk for this, I'll stay here" Bruce adds as he gets up to put his dishes away.

"I'll go, but I doubt I can do this alone," Natasha says looking at Clint and I.

"I guess it's a threesome then," Clint says before looking at Natasha and adding "sorry."
I don't get why but ignore it for now.  "So it's settled, the three of us will go investigate whatever it is, Tony will go do his stuff, and Bruce will take care of Nico.  Bruce, can you explain everything you think is safe to Nico?"

"Yeah, when are you guys leaving?"

I let Natasha answer that one, as I have no clue.  "If we can get transportation I'd say right after lunch?"

"Works for me" I say.

"No problem," Clint affirms.

"Why is Tony so quiet?" I ask because this really isn't like him.

"He annoyed me."

"Can you explain?"

"He was being annoying so I glued his mouth shut and he hasn't been able to fix it yet."
"Natasha, didn't we talk about this?" Clint sounds very put upon.

"But he was being really bad, even for Tony."

"I'm going to go now," I say and Bruce leaves with me.  "How is he?" I ask once we're alone.

"He's still refusing medical help, and won't tell me anything.  I think I'll try to talk with him when the rest leave.  Tony isn't the best for being nice, and Natasha and Clint aren't the best for opening up."

"Yeah, can I help?"

"I think it would be best if it was just the two of us."

"Okay, I'll go out somewhere for the day, I'll make dinner tonight."

"Do you have any ideas about what I should avoid?"

"Why would I know anything?"

"You've fought HYDRA before, and as far as I can tell did pretty well.  That means you have the most experience.  So is there anything you think I should avoid?"

Is there anything that would scare someone from HYDRA?  "Maybe avoid talking about experiments?  I know a lot of people died that way."


"My pleasure."

"What will you do if you're busy pretending you don't exist?"

"I think I'll try and get caught up on some of the things I missed, maybe Harry Potter."

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