42. Dresses

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A/N warning, somewhat bad language that Steve would not approve of.

Bucky's POV

This is absolutely hilarious.  Stark went and put his dress on as soon as it arrived, and Clint went pretty quickly as well.  Steve and I refused, but Nico wouldn't even consider it.  "What's the big deal?" Clint asks as he tugs at his purple skirt, "it's not like you'd get in trouble or anything."

Nico looks at us and seems to come to a difficult decision.  "If I put that on, I'll look like her."

Dead silence.  We should've remembered his sister.  "I'm sorry for pushing you," Clint says, pulling at the lace on his arm.

Nico takes a deep breath.  "It's fine, it wasn't intentional or anything.  but...I need some privacy, I'm going to my room."  he gets up and walks off slowly.

"Should I go after him?" Steve says quietly.

"I doubt it, Nico likes having privacy and he's not very good with opening up to people.  Besides, we didn't know her."

"I guess, but I want to help."

"Well you can't help everyone," Stark says and I look down.  That edge in his voice, it sounds like he's talking about his parents.

"I'm sorry."

"Shut up."  Pepper puts a hand on his shoulder and he forces them to relax.  He looks at Steve and forces a smile.  "So are you two getting dressed or what?"

I guess it's okay now, and Stark wants us to get dressed up like them so I say "sure, are you coming too?"  Steve still looks hesitant, so I go for his weakness.  "Or are you going to be the only member of the team who doesn't?"

He sighs.  "Fine, but if this goes wrong I'm blaming you."

"I know, I know, come on."

When we get into our room we get out the dresses and put them on.  It's weird wearing something with basically no top, why would you make a dress this low cut and with basically no sleeves?  At least I've got a skirt, even if it is really full and long which is going to make walking near impossible.  I turn to Steve and just stare.  He's still facing the other way and his dress looks awesome.  It's pretty obvious why this one's his, after all it's like the flag turned into a dress.  But it's super short and tight, it shows off his rear even better than his suit!  He turns around and catches me staring.  "I know, I look stupid," he says.

"What do you mean?  You look awesome, especially from the back," I say and he blushes extremely red.  Did the serum make his blushes redder because that's an impressive shade.

"But it's not decent.  You on the other hand look radiant."

"Thanks, but how am I going to walk?"

"Well just-" he cuts himself off, eyes dimming slightly.

"What?"  He's not answering me, what is wrong?  "Just tell me, whatever you were thinking."

"You sure?"  he asks and I nod before he continues.  "I was thinking treat it like you just escaped and your legs are still partially tied up."

"That's...actually pretty smart.  Why were you worried about saying that?"

"I didn't want to bring up any bad memories."

"Steve, I'm fine, you don't have to worry so much."

"I know, but that doesn't mean I'm not worried."

"Relax, the only thing that's endangering me right now is what I'm wearing!"

He continues down the lighter path.  "I know, I feel like I need to go get a pair of pants or something, practically my entire lower half is visible!"

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