35. Agent Hill

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Bucky's POV

I'd forgotten how it felt to be watched so closely.  Well, not exactly, Steve tracked my every motion like Hill, but he did it out of love, her out of fear or duty, I wasn't sure which.  Possibly even love for her country.  But either way, I could feel her eyes weighing on me as I grabbed a glass of water.  It had only been ten minutes and I was already dreading the rest of the day.  "Morning," Nico said as he stumbled in.  He wasn't really awake yet but he was dressed, usually he was okay with being at least partially in pajamas, so it's probably because of Hill.

"Morning," I say looking back at the newspaper.  Steve said that Tony ordered it for him once they started living together, most people use their phones or computers for the news.  I know that would be more efficient. I also like the feeling of an actual paper, it reminds me of my childhood, even if it was usually my dad reading and telling us the interesting bits.

"Good morning," Hill says over her coffee cup.

"What?  Who're you?"  his hand swoops down to his side, but closes on thin air, I guess he forgot he didn't have his sword.  Or perhaps he was going for a knife, it would probably work better in this situation.

"I'm agent Hill, I'm looking after you two while the Avengers are out."

"Oh, right.  You really don't have to."

"Considering your age and his past I do have to."

"I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself, and the security in this place could keep him from escaping, although he doesn't want to."

"That would be true if he was a normal human, but he isn't."

"Besides, I could always try to take you hostage to get out of here," I said with a smirk.

"You could try," Nico says, raising an eyebrow.  He is part god, so he probably would be harder to deal with than most, but if Steve and his friends have captured him as many times as I think I could take him down, eventually.

"I'd stop you," Hill says, and I don't think she gets that we're joking.

"That reminds me, is Wilson around?"

"He's coming over after breakfast."

"Hello," a voice calls.

I look up as a man enters the kitchen, and JARVIS greets him with a polite, "hello, Birdboy II."

"I am going to kill Tony," he says before nodding to Hill.  "everything going okay?"  Great, another guard.

"Hey, can I borrow the wings for a minute?" Nico asks, looking suspiciously innocent.

"NO!  Don't think I've forgotten what happened last time you got your hands on them."

"What did he do?" Hill asks.

"He waited until I was watching a movie and then tried to run off with them!  Jumped off the tower and everything, Tony found him midair."

"Well it was the only way to get out," Nico shrugs.

"That didn't give you the right to steal my wings!"

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