17. Confessions

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Peter's POV

My head really really hurts. I've never done anything like this before and I think my powers just made it worse. I've got JARVIS using the sensory overload protocol but it was still too much and I had to make it even quieter. I can't tell if the pounding is my headache or children running around above my head.

"Peter, are you there?" someone calls too loudly and I groan.

They're talking too loud and I can't tell who it is. "Who is it?"

"It's me, Nico. Can I come in?"

Do I want to let him in. He'll probably be too loud but I want to know what happened last night and I can hopefully deal with the extra noise. "okay, but close the door behind you and please be quiet."

"Ok," he says as he comes in and the light from the hallway almost blinds me. "Can we talk?"

"Sure, but can you be a bit quieter?" I whisper because he's still being too loud although I think he's barely in the audible range for most humans.

"Is this better?" he asks and I smile because it sounds like normal talking now.

"That's perfect. Now, what did you want to talk about."

He seems to be considering his words before he finally asks me, "what so you remember about last night?"

"You thought Clint was a pinata so we started trying to get the candy out and the Ms. Romanoff came in and we thought she was the ghost of the pinata's mother so we hid behind a couch."

"Ok, ok, I know a lot of stupid stuff happened but do you remember what you told me?"
I think about it for a moment, "that biologically women should be leaders because they are better designed for desk jobs because they take up less space and are more likely to think because they can't punch their way out as easily?"

"No, not that." he mumbles so quietly that even I have to strain to hear while he stares at his feet like they hold the answers to the universe.

"Then what?" I'm beginning to get exasperated because he won't say what he's talking about.

"You told me you were Spiderman."

I freeze. I wasn't planning on telling him that. "Obviously I was really drunk to say something as preposterous as that."

"You proved it to me by sticking to the ceiling. Besides a normal person wouldn't be able to hear me right now." I really messed up this time.

"What do you want from me?"

"I just thought you should know you told me so you don't have to dance around the truth."

"Wait really?"

"Unless you can make them let me go then yes that's all."

"Sorry, I may have powers but I'm still just a kid, they wouldn't let you go because I asked prettily."

"It was worth a shot."

"Did you tell me anything?" I ask because I really don't remember. Atthat he flinches. "What?"

"I told you about her."

"Why is life so unfair?" Nico asks as he stares at the empty bottle.

"What do you mean?"

"Why am I the one that got to live? Why isn't she here with me? Why is there no one barging in here and taking the alcohol and telling me I'm too young to drink?"

"What was she like?"

"She was so beautiful and kind. She was always there for me even when it hurt her. But then she just...stopped caring. She knew I was alone and scared and she was the only familiar thing, and she just left. Sometimes I even wonder if she was my sister, or was that all a lie as well? I don't remember, so how can I know the truth?"

New York (Nico and the Avengers)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora