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NEXT MORNING"DIDNT I TELL YO ASS TO STOP PLAYIN WITME JAY!!" Kobe cornered me while he beat me with a belt

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"DIDNT I TELL YO ASS TO STOP PLAYIN WITME JAY!!" Kobe cornered me while he beat me with a belt.

"Im s-sorry" I whimpered crying.

"WHY YOU LIKE TO TEST ME!!" he stopped hitting me with the belt to only yell at me.

I was afraid to speak because it would only lead to extreme things like getting threatened by guns or a knife, forced sex, and being starved.

"SAY SUM!" He yelled making me jumped and answer quickly.

"Nn-o" I cryed out.

"I'm Pr-egnant"I sunked into to wall even more.

It's was quiet all you heard was me sniffing until I looked up at him.

"I don't want da shii get a abortion" he scrunched up his face.

"Bu-" I started but he cuted me of

"Ain no damn but's I'll pay for it I don't care for no baby especially with you" he walked into the bathroom closing the door.

I felt pain over my body all over again.

I can't kill a baby.

As I was thinking I heard the bathroom door open.

"Hurry up bro" he said then walked out of the room.

I got up to change my clothes because the one's that I had on had blood stains on them.

After that I went downstairs and left the house.


Today I'm going to pay a old friend a visit but maybe convince him to kill javon or kill both and Jayda I don't know this is all savannah

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Today I'm going to pay a old friend a visit but maybe convince him to kill javon or kill both and Jayda I don't know this is all savannah.

Rico have been stressed out lately because of the trap but really it's that bitch Jayda.

For the past week I been sick like throwing up n shii so I thinking about going to the doctor first then handle the Kobe thing.

"Ight baby I'm leaving" I said coming down the stairs.

"Wea u goin" he paused the game and turned to me.

"Mall and maybe go see my mama"

"Ight Gemme a kiss doe"

I walked up to him and kissed him then left.

30 Minutes later.

As I arrived at the doctors I filled out some papers and waited until my name was called.

"Ms. Cortez"

"That would be me" I got up and followed the doctor into a room.

"You can sit and I'll get everything set up"

I nodded and waited.

After minutes go by the doctor came in and we started the process of me being sick for a few days.

"Congratulations your pregnant" she gave me a widen smile.

Oh hell no I'm not being no damn mama I can't even take care of myself what makes you think imma take care of another.

I'll just get an abortion I'm doing rico a favor anyways...

SORRY ITS SHORT😭 I gotchu next chapter❤️

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