"I might ban you from the clinic just to make you stop hurting yourself." Recovery Girl scolded as Deku did a dogeza as an apology.


"Hey readers, what kind of content do you want me to make?" Deku asked in the chat before...



"As much as I enjoy reading, I hate writing it." Deku whined as Todoroki glanced at him.

"You read smut?"



"Hey Midoriya, are you ready for our study session?" Iida asked only to see Deku typing ecstatically on his laptop.

"What are your doing?"

"Writing down all my stories before I forget them." Deku said before finishing the last sentence.

"There! Thank you...." Deku cried before checking his grammar and spellings.

"Wait...Am I forgetting something?? There is supposed to be I think 160, I'm missing one." Midoriya said as Iida spots a small paper on the floor with Midoriya's handwriting, before he took it with him.

"I need ideas too, Midoriya." Iida defended as Deku twitched.

"Do you know how many brain cells it takes to come up with a new story plot?!"

"Let's just get to the group study---"

"Give it back Iida."


"Hey Midoriya, your mom send a butt load of notebooks for you."

"Ahh, yeah. Those are most of my hero notes." Deku said as he got the box, only for the box to fall. Deku sees a familiar notebook and cringed.

"Oh no..."

"What, why?" Kirishima asked as Deku held up some notebooks.

"My cringe fanfic stories."

"Don't remind me." Deku groaned as Inko giggled, remembering she found a little son-father fanfic about him and All Might. Who knew it came to life.


Deku was just spacing out on his desk accidentally staring at Bakugou, making the blond pissed.

"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU STARING AT ME NERD?!?!" Bakugou yelled before Deku snapped out of his subconscious.

"Oh sorry, I was just thinking about a new story."


"Make up one, never finish one. It's an endless cycle of creativity and wasted talent." Deku sighed.

"I love updating this story so much. I'm not ever gonna run out of ideas." Deku said before scrolling down to see one of his old books.

"Oh hey, I remembered you." Deku said before seeing when he last updated it.

"November 2019? That's one year ago." Deku muttered before shrugging it off.



"Oh that's me. I haven't updated my Miss Joke X Eraserhead fanfic in over years." Hagakure said as Aizawa stared at her in confusion.



"Do I have to finish the story?" Deku asked as Aizawa sighed.

"Yes, you do. That's what make a story, an ending." Aizawa said as Deku's eyes widen.

"What's wrong?"

"Do I have to kill all the characters in the book?"


"I mean it is an option. Look at Rogue One, they literally killed the main characters and the main villain." Denki referenced before Jirou shut his mouth.

"You do not want to mess with the author's decisions. As of now maybe the Author is considering showing us a universe where we all die."

"Huh, I never thought of that." Yuki hummed as Denki frowned and glared at Jirou.


"Finally finished it!" Deku said as he marked book as complete.

"Why do I suddenly feel empty?" Deku asked himself as he looked at the book.

"I'm making a part two."



"Hey, can I have some of your plots? I really want to make a book, but I just have no idea how to make on--"

"No problem sweetie!" Deku cut off as he threw a pile of paper on Momo.

"That is a lot." Tokoyami quivered as Momo blushed.

"I like the nickname." Momo muttered, but was able to be heard by Deku.

"Well why didn't you say so sweetie?" Deku smiled, making Momo blush even more.



"How many plots are in this?!" Momo asked as she read two pages.

"Oh around 1,256." Momo stared at him.

"You could've been a best-selling author!"

"I'm too lazy...."

"Wasted talent, ugh.." Deku cringed as All Might pat his back.

"But I don't remember having that much plots." Deku said as Yuki raised her hand.

"Divide it by 2 three times. And that's how much plots I have in mind." Yuki said as Momo got the calculator and saw the result.

"157? Really? That much?"

"If you consider it as real, yeah. Divide it by 5 and you'll get how many plots each per persona made."

"It's a decimal."

"Joshi's made one more."

"That makes 31 and 32."


"Author-chan are you okay??"

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