Chapter Thirteen: A Waltz in A Minor

Start from the beginning

"You want the truth, huh. I know you are blood traitor scum like the rest of your horrid family. The idea that for even one second I would think about caring for you, let alone tolerating you, makes me sick." Draco hissed.

Draco gave Gwen a dirty look. He spit in her face.

"Crabbe, Goyle, Let's go enjoy the ball." He firmly wrapped his arm around Pansy's waist and pulled her close. As Crabbe and Goyle walked away they kicked large puddles of muddy ice water onto the front of Gwen's once baby blue dress.

Gwen was left alone and humiliated. In the shadows she watched the four Slytherins slink back into the Ball as if nothing had happened. Draco hadn't even so much as glanced over his shoulder. She began to wipe the tears from off of her face.

How did I even end up here? I should have never trusted him. I almost said I love you. I started to. What was I thinking?

She wiped her runny nose onto her sleeve.

I don't actually love him. She tried to convince herself. It was just the moment. I got wrapped up in the moment. That's it. I always knew it would never last. Even those thoughts were too painful and she felt her sadness well up.

Gwen grabbed the necklace from under her dress.

"Once a snake..." she sighed under her breath. She continued to cry softly.

Gwen had always wondered in the back of her mind if she was just an outlet for Draco, and now she was sure.

His voice boomed in her ears over and over.

The idea that for even one second I would think about caring for you, let alone tolerating you, makes me sick.

She thought he liked her. She was sure he at least tolerated her. Was being the key word. Now she wondered why someone who hated her so much would torment her and waste her time. She felt used.

The freezing air had now hit every inch of Gwen's flesh. She stood up. Her dress had been completely ruined. The back had a tear that formed as she fell back into the snow. The skirt of her dress was soiled with mud. The edges that once flowed out were damp and weighed down.

Gwen took a deep breath. As much as it pained her, she knew she should go back to the dance. Her friends were waiting on her and she would have to walk through the Hall to get to her common room anyways. She brushed away as much of the dirt and debris from her dress as possible. She tried to smooth down her hair and put on a smile.

The closer she walked to the Hall the more she felt her stomach tighten.

I will not let that stuck up child ruin my one dance. She told herself firmly and straightened her back.

Gwen, as casually as possible, snuck back into the dance. She sat down at her table.

Gwen was not unfamiliar with feeling out of place, but at this moment she felt like The Yule Ball was the last place she should be. On the dance floor there was a large mosh pit, most likely formed by two sixth year redheads and their friends. Everyone was screaming song lyrics and bouncing as much as their high heels would allow. While Gwen was trying not to cry while watching, with both jealousy and disgust, Pansy grinding on Draco.

Her eyes scanned the room. Neville and Ginny were performing a choreographed dance on one edge of the dance floor. Freya and Hazel were wrapped up in each other. Matteo was dancing with Louis, the Slytherin boy she had seen at the party in the first week of school. Hannah, Ernie, Justin, Susan, Lily, and James had formed a large circle where they were all Vogue dancing. Cedric kept picking up Cho and spinning her.

Amortentia (OC / Draco / Fred Weasley Love Triangle)  (A HP Francise Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now