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Scarlet POV

I had spent the entire rest of the day lazing around, which was, to be honest, my favorite kind of day. I think I ate my entire body weight in popcorn and candy.

I wanted to wait up for Violet to come home, but by 2 in the morning, I was out. I wondered if she was okay, and for a little bit, I got scared Preston kidnapped her or something.

He gives me weird vibes, so I was still suspicious of his true intentions. I didn't want to force the topic on Violet anymore because it obviously annoyed her so, I would keep the wariness to myself. For now.

I knew if Violet was in trouble, she could handle herself, so I wasn't worrying too much. And if she needed me, she would call.

I woke up to the sun infiltrating the living room. I cracked an eye open and checked the time on my phone.

6:00 a.m., great. Thank you, bright ass sun, for waking me up.

I threw my middle finger up to the sky, grumbling curse words under my breath. I just wanted to sleep in today.

Unwillingly, I dragged my limbs off the couch, walking over to the kitchen to get my coffee going. Once the coffee was going, I walked over to Violets' room to see if she was here.

I knocked on the door a couple of times, cracking the door open a tad, peeking one eye in the room when no one answered. Hm, weird, no Violet.

Shrugging my shoulders, deciding they probably went to his place, I left her room, running to the Keurig when I heard it beep, signaling my lifeline was done brewing.

It was now 11, and I had already gone for a run and cleaned the whole apartment out of boredom. I used to go on early runs every morning, but once Star World opened, I had been either too tired to get up or too busy to find the time.

Yesterday I decided I would make time again. Running was so euphoric for me; it was like my own personal therapy. It was the only time I could fully let go of any problems and bullshit in my life. I always felt so free while I was running.

Also, from all the stress with Star World and Shay and even Anderson, I needed to clear my mind.

I was sitting at the table, doing some paperwork when I heard the front door open. "I really hope that is you, Violet, because if someone is trying to rob me right now, I have pepper spray, and I've taken some boxing classes. You really do not want to fuck with me," I yelled to the intruder, really hoping it was just my creepy best friend.

"Chill, you maniac, it's just me," Violet said, mockingly holding her hands up in surrender, throwing her keys and purse down on the table, then walking to the kitchen. 

I got up from my chair and followed her, "so, give me all the juicy details."

"We had a good time," Violet said, turning around to face me for a second, smirk graced upon her lips. I noticed her usual perfect hair was all tangled out of sorts. Oh my god. Oh. My. God.

"You totally fucking slept with him, didn't you," I said, incredulously pointing at my best friend. My finger was slapped away in seconds, "No, I fucking didn't. We both had too much to drink, and Preston was tired and didn't want to drive. Not really that big of a deal. He just rented a hotel room for the night where we slept, only," she emphasized the only, giving me a pointed look.

"Hey, I wasn't judging you or anything," I said calmly, walking to the pantry to grab a snack.

"Yea, I know you weren't," Violet replied, walking over and sitting on a barstool, grabbing her black glasses and computer; now, typing away.

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