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Scarlet POV

Vegas was so much fun, and it really brought all of us together even more. Including Riley and me. Obviously, we had a little hiccup, but in the end, it was what we needed. Now we were in mutual agreement of what we were.

Which was nothing... friends and coworkers only.

And I'm totally, 100% fine with that. Riley is really lovely to talk to. If we got in a relationship, it would probably throw the whole vibe of the club off.

Literally business 101: don't mess around with coworkers. I fucked that up pretty quickly.

We got back home today, and Violet and I were exhausted. Vegas takes a toll on the body. Once we got home, I immediately went to the couch because I was super tired and wanted to catch up on my new favorite show, This Is Us.

Violet went into her room to unpack her stuff. I always say I'm going to unpack the day I get home, but that never ends up happening. So, my bag will have to wait a day... or a week.

My mind had been on the mysterious text message all day. I honestly thought someone had somehow found my number online somewhere, and they were trying to mess with me. Or maybe it was one of the guys pranking me. I'm not sure.

Violet was convinced Anderson was the one who had texted me. She's on some shit because there is absolutely no way. I mean a guy like that, liking a girl like me. Not possible. He's so out of my league.

"Wait, Scar, did you ever text Anderson back?" I heard Vi yell from her room. This girl is relentless; there's no way it's him.

"No. And it's not Anderson! What am I supposed to say, 'Oh hey, hopefully, I see you too, whoever you are'?" I sarcastically responded to her, pausing my show when I heard Vi running to the living room.

The sneaky bitch took my phone out of my hand. I jumped on her, trying to get it back when I saw her hands typing away. "What are you doing?," I yelled at Violet, jumping on her again trying to get my phone out of her hands. They were literally death gripping the phone. 

Finally, I got the stupid thing to see what she texted.

Me: Sorry, I didn't go on my phone much during the trip. I'm back now, hope to see you soon also. Anderson, I'm guessing?

My jaw draw dropped open. Is she crazy, "the fuck Vi! I'm not texting him, and that's way too bold to assume it's him! I would be better off asking who it was." I'm not that bold of a person; I've never been one to walk up to a guy and ask for his number or anything like that. I twirled my hair around my fingertips, growing nervous.

Violet told me that it was the best thing to say, and she's said stuff like that to guys before, so it would be fine. She was right; it would actually be pretty rude if I don't respond. What if it was Anderson, chances are I will see him again, and I'd rather him have a good impression of me.

I closed my eyes, pressed send, and immediately threw the phone away from me. Violet threw her hands up in victory and patted me on the back, "good job, I'm proud." I just closed my eyes and shook my head, the immediate after regret eating my alive. I'm so embarrassed fuck.

Violet went to her room to start getting ready for work tonight. I decided to finish my episode then get ready.

Once in my room, I started doing my makeup. Tonight I would do a simple natural look; I really didn't feel like having a bunch of shit caked on my face right now. I did heavy makeup every night while we were in Vegas, and my skin was not happy about it. So, tonight I decided to let it breathe. I was finishing up my blush when my phone buzzed.

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