Liam snorted. "I have as long as I want."


"Good look with walking away."


Liam smirked, shaking his head and looking at his friends before turning to Tony again. "How's Rogers?"

Tony swallowed, not finding any strength in his voice to answer. "Four.."

"You know, people thought you were dead." Liam said, making Tony stop his attempt at counting because he knew there was no use. "Rumors said that your dad beat you up or something. "

Tony raised his eyebrow with a numb expression.

"It's true." Liam said. "You hadn't shown a sign of life and everyone thought something had happened."

"And when did the whole school care about my well being?" Tony asked dryly.

"They don't. But the girls miss their playboy I guess." Liam teased, which took Tony by surprise. Liam had never shown him this side before.
"Do you know how many chicks would give up everything to be Tony Stark's girlfriend?" Liam asked curiously.

Tony rolled his eyes, not understanding why this subject suddenly was so important. "I don't care." He answered. "Can I go? Or are you gonna bore me to death?" Tony chuckled, not wanting to stay there any longer and waved his hand lazily in the air. But as he had thought, the guys behind him didn't move.

"Are you scared Stark?" Liam asked. Smiling humorlessly at the smaller guy.
The corner of Tony's mouth twitched before he turned around again.

"Absolutely." He answered sarcastically. Liam laughed quietly while looking at his friends. Tony smirked. "Terrified." he said, walking closer to the taller guy. "Petrified, stupefied by you."

"You should." Liam said.

"Why?" Tony asked uninterestedly.

Liam smirked. "Because I know everything about you and Rogers."

Tony didn't answer. He bit his teeth together, the tears stinging in his eyes at the thought of Steve. The raven-haired clenched his fists as a wave of confusion, anger, fear and sorrow welled over him all at once.

"Wouldn't want the whole school to know that Steve Rogers isn't what everyone think he is.." Liam said smugly. "You know how people like him are welcomed. Those years of being an underdog must have felt horrible."

Tony tried not to think back at the memories. He would never ever wanna go back to how it used to be. It was many years ago, but it still felt like yesterday, and he barely survived it.
He would never want Steve to go through that. Steve was too precious. Even though he wasn't his anymore.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Tony snorted. "Steve Rogers is as straight as one can be." He said.

Liam smiled. "It didn't look like that when I saw him with his tongue down your throat a few days ago in bright daylight."

Tony bit his lip. "I don't remember that."
Yes he did, because it was his fault that people saw them. This was his fault.

Liam only nodded slowly, not believing him at all as he slowly walked up to him, eyeing him up and down before stopping behind him. Tony didn't move a fen.

"I can literally smell your lies." Liam spat, almost like the words were too disgusting to say. "I should let them beat you up." Liam mumbled, turning to his smiling friends.

Tony flinched in fear, even though he didn't let it show. "Why? Because Rogers is straight?"

Liam snorted. "No, cause you're Tony Stark. And a fag."

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