Chapter 9 : A Little Mistake

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Hi,I know how I left it as a cliffhanger but I'm hoping that all you are enjoying the story so far.Give your comments as usual and I'll update more chapters as possible.

April's POV

After service,all of us headed to the community centre fundraiser and I stuck to Luke throughout.I didn't want to be near Sterling,I didn't want to talk to her at the moment.

Luke's parents have been supportive and gotten closer to my mom regardless of the situation.It took them some time to come to terms of Luke and I and I also did my best to impress them.

I was president of Fellowship,following with my good grades and conduct.I went to the same school as Luke without any scholarship,by doing an amazing work on my essay and with everything else.

My mom was working a decent job that she was offered that helped us back on our feet and the community.After being shone,it wasn't a good feeling and I felt alone even though I had Hannah B and Ezekiel.

I spent a good spree at the fundraiser with Luke.We got cupcakes,matching T-shirts (he insisted) and lemonades to cool ourselves from this hot sunny weather.I couldn't ask for a better way to spend it with Luke.

He's adorably cute and handsome.I just want to-

"Hi,how are you enjoying this fundraiser,April?" Jack appeared out of nowhere,as always.

"It's going really well." I forced a smile and wrapped my hands around Luke's arm instinctively.

"This must be your boyfriend,I presume." He looks at our arms and Luke held out his other hand,chuckling.

"Yes sir.I'm Luke." Jack takes it,with a firm grip.
He held it and smiled.

"Jack.I pretty much handle things around here."
Jack kept hold of Luke's hand,not ready to let it go.
From Luke's expression,he was getting more nervous and pressured so I made a distraction.

"I'm sorry but I have to go to the bathroom.Luke,
will you send me?" Jack reluctantly let go and put an arm on Luke's shoulder.

"He's a fine young man,April.Make sure he sticks around." Jack commented,and I smiled.

Luke chuckles nervously,giving me a side glance and we excused ourselves.

"Is that your boss? He's scary."Luke whispers as we walked away.I ignored him and went to the bathroom.

"This is really good.Try it." I offered him my cupcake and he takes a bite. He munched and nodded.

I kissed him softly,just happy that he's here and no more distractions,but just us.

We watch as everything unfolds right in front of us,the bustling and noises of chatter between people.
The sound of kids giggling to themselves and running around as well as the nearing sound of footsteps that grew louder and louder.

It was Sterling and a...girl.

She had nightingale dark hair and a good body figure by just observing the girl's back.Sterling made eye contact with me and looked away swiftly.

"Hey,everything okay babe?" Luke asked and follow where my eyes travelled.

"Oh,it's Sterling.You want to say hello? We could go up there and - " Luke was semi standing up but I placed a hand on his shoulders,pushing him gently back down to his seat.

"No,it's fine." I said and we continued our conversation.

"You know every time we have the same class,the teachers won't let us be partners." Luke whined and I supposed he's right.We never been partners before in any of our classes together.

"I supposed you're right but it's only because they know we're together." I said,brushing my nose against his and smiled.

I looked past him and caught the girl making a move on Sterl.I looked back at Luke,who was staring at me.

"What?" I blushed a slight red and Luke tucked a hair behind my ear,looking at me.

"You're so beautiful,April and do you wanna make out in one of the rooms?" Luke offered and I gave him a stern look,but I didn't want to be too harsh.

"Later on,Luke? I still have my shift." I said softly and Luke backs off,standing up.

"Wait,where are you going?" I called out and he turned. "Another lemonade."

I sighed and took a sip of my lemonade,with my only view being of Sterl and the girl.

Since when did Sterl have a nightingale dark haired friends and somehow it's familiar.

The girl was touching and stroking Sterling a lot.
Is she flirting with Sterling? I mean who else is gay in this town.

Sterling was somehow playing it cool but also enjoying it,the flirty touch.Me on the other hand,was
now boiling with jealousy.

I don't like it when someone could have something that I want and crave.It's frustrating.
Sterl is making it frustrating.

One day,she's flirting with Luke and a waitress and now a girl with a good body figure.

I just can't sit here and watch her being seduced and not do anything about it.You know the feeling of release,that's what I want to do right now.

I eyed them,restraining myself to not get involved.To not go up there and kiss Sterling.

From the day we broke up,Sterl knew as much as me for that we crave each other.No matter how long it has been.She feels the same,I just know.

I looked at my phone and Luke hasn't came back.
I looked back up to see Sterl and the girl making prolonged eye contact.

No,I can't take it anymore.

I went up to Sterl and took her by the hand.I didn't even had time to sneak a quick glance at the girl.I just wanted Sterl.

I pulled Sterling away from the fundraiser,and lead her to our room.I closed the door behind and look at her.She was all nervous like she always is.

"April,what are we doing here?" She asked and I couldn't help it anymore.All the fighting and all tensions rising between us.The way our eyes locked across the room.

I walked up to her,and kissed her.Soft and tender as it always been.Like the last time.I cupped her face and her hands fall on my waist.

It was electrifying as it's always been.

Sterling reluctantly pulled away and asked.

"What was that for?" She was beaming as she smiled and I whispered.

"Because I miss you." She pulled me back and kissed me again as both of us smiled against our kiss.

The kisses grew more intense as she pushed me against the wall,and kissed my neck.

"Sterl..." I gasped and kissed her once more.

She pulled away abruptly and steps back.

"Wait,this is wrong.You're with Luke." She touched her lips and realized that this was wrong.

"Wasn't this all you ever wanted again,Sterl?" I asked,moving closer.

"Yes but you're with Luke.You basically kissed me while you're still with him." I tried to mutter words to argue back but she was right.

"I'm sorry but I had the intense urge to ravage you..." I trailed,and moved back.

"You do? Like last time?" She asked and I nodded.

"I...don't know what to say but all I know what we're doing is wrong.I don't wanna make this into a drama.It's either you break up with Luke before ever kissing me again or never kiss me ever again." She said sternly,and looks away from me.

"I supposed you're right.I'm sorry that I ever kissed you." I walked away and sighed.

I guess we really can't be together.

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