Chapter 3 : What if

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Update : I'm still trying to tinker around with the plot and I've been having exams so I won't be able to post as much but I hope you like the content so far!

Happy reading :D

Sterling's POV

  It was 6.25 am and Blair was up,in a weird outfit doing a cheerleading routine.As much as I love her effort,I would prefer my morning to start at exactly 6.30.

  I have at least 5 minutes before reminding myself that I will be going back to school today,with Brian and the whole school glaring at me.

    "Blair,I love you but I really need my 5 minutes alone time,if that's okay with you." I said,although my words seem to come out muffled in between the sheets.

    "Okay,but promise no more sad April breakdowns today."

   She sat on the side of the bed,waiting for my response.

    "Twin swear."
     "Twin swear."

She walked away,her footsteps receding,allowing me to go back to sleep.

     "Hey Mom." I greeted her as I sat on the dining table.

     "Morning Sterl." She gave me a warm smile and start placing waffles and berries on my plate.

     "Mom,did you know what happened during the game last night?" Blair spoke and I just listened to her talk about lacrosse.I could never relate though.

    "That's amazing,sweetie." Mom complimented Blair as she finished her story.

     Dad wasn't here,he was off hunting again.I should go with him soon,once I have the free time.I want to be adeptly good at handling guns,so I can do well when we do have skips.

     Once breakfast was finished,Blair and I got out of the house.She drove me to college first before she went to hers.

    Blair went to the same school as Luke since both got there because of their sport scholarships.I think April is in the same college as her.

    "Hey Blair,are you in the same college as April?" 
I put my seatbelt on and Blair turned to me.

    "'s so weird and irritating."

     "Okay...bye.See you later!" I waved Blair goodbye and head inside the building.

      Weirdly,no one was glaring at me or saying anything mean at all.I guess this is where you reach the point of maturity.

      I scrolled through my phone and looked through my schedule.

      I have a combined humanities lecture with the sophomores first thing in the morning.I walked around the halls,and turn at different corners to find the specified room.

     I turned the right corner this time and there it was.I took a seat at the very back since it was way better.

      The lecture started and let me say,college is way different from high school.

      Only because I came from a private religious elite school that started the day with prayers and I had Blair by my side.

     And April was in the same school.I used to stare at her during Spanish classes and also Fellowship.
To admire her and her beauty.

     I also think about kissing her again every time I look at her soft lips.

       I'm still not sure why on earth is April at the community centre.She's a well-rounded student with admirable leadership skills and her doing community work is the last thing on her list.

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