Part 27 :An Agreement

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Thank you for 17k:) I hope you enjoy this chapter because Blair and April isn't....

Sterling's POV

The warmth of someone by your side is the best thing you could ever have.April and I were in bed, watching One Day At A Time P.S Elena is so cool.

"Just between us, who would be Elena and Syd in our relationship." I asked, and she turns to look at me.

"Neither but I think you should be Elena so you can call me your Syd-nificant other." She replied softly, tugging me by the collar and pushes me back.

Damn right she is.

"I'm just glad that we're back together.3 days without feels like forever." I said, as our fingers dance with each other.

"And this just feels right.." She leans in, taking me by the tongue.It gradually become more intense as she 'top' me.I don't remember being a bottom the last time but sure.

A curtain of her hair covered my face but her lips stayed consistent nonetheless.She tugs on the hem of my shirt and I gulped, and politely pushed her hand down.She lets go and slowly travel her lips to my neck, trying to leave a mark.

"I thought.." I protested but she shushed me.She goes to my ear, not saying a word but her hot breath gave me chills.

"It wouldn't be fun at all." She whispered, biting my ear.

"Mmm.." She moaned as she leaves hickeys on my neck.Making sure that they were visible enough.

"Horny lovebirds.I need you to tune it down because I can hear you from here." Blair shouted within earshot.April and I lost the moment and starts to giggle.

"Sorry! You can get back to your boring assignments now." I shouted right back.The moment between us has surpassed and we continued watching for the whole afternoon.

Blair's POV

"Hey babe.How are things over at work?" I questioned and Eric smiles through the camera.

Things has been pretty busy for him lately,extra shifts and hours he has to put in.We face-time almost everyday and keeps each other updated.

He wasn't that rich boy that works at the country club but he's working hard with his work and college.I truly admire that.

"It's going great.A lot of weird requests lately but I'm guessing it's from Tiktok.How about you?"

"Nothing much.I've been working on my assignments but my neighbour next door is pretty distracting."

"Sterling and April? Cmon,they're really good together."

"You don't have to tell me twice.I wished you could come over but..." I paused and he chuckled,playing with his ruffled black hair.

"You're not ready for me to meet your parents yet.I get it,Blair.Your previous one really hit a nerve on you."

"I'm not ashamed or anything but I want to know if this is really serious."

"I'm as serious and committed as Sterling and her girlfriend.Trust me." I smiled and continued our small talks before he hit the hay.

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