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My eyes shot open. "Yes?" I mumbled. I looked up, seeing my Mom with a thermometer in her hand. "Sorry for waking you up, but I need to take your temperature." She said. I sigh, and sat up, letting my Mom stick the stupid thermometer into my mouth, and under my tongue.

While waiting for the beep, my Mom sat on my bed. "So. What did you and that boy do?" Asked Mom. Right after she asked that, the beep went off, as if it wanted to know too. I pulled the thermometer out of my mouth, and handed it to Mom. "What boy?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"The one that came to visit you." She said, while looking at the thermometer.

"Oh, you mean Chan? We didn't do much. I kinda fell asleep..." I said trailing off. "Well, good thing I woke you up early." She said, waving the thermometer in her hand.

"Your temperature is back to normal." She said. "You already missed three days of school, so hurry! Get changed!" She exclaimed, getting up, and rushing out of my room, closing the door behind her. I sat on the edge of my bed.

I remember falling asleep on his shoulder, but nothing after that. I blushed at the memory. I wonder why he didn't wake me up. I wouldn't have minded. Well, at least i'll get to see him today at school.

Thinking that put a smile on my face. I quickly did my bed, and changed. I couldn't wait to see him.


"Have a good day at school, sweetheart. Remember if you feel sick again, go to the nurse, okay?" Says Mom. I nod.

"Yeah, I know. Bye Mom!" I say, waving her goodbye as I walked out of the house. It was sunny today, like usual. I took the usual path to school I take, but something catches my eye. I see a bright flyer stapled onto the lamp post.

I rip it off and read it. "Hm. A festival, huh?" I said to myself. It was an advertisement for a two day festival for next week. Thursday and Friday. But what caught my eye is the word fireworks. I reread the sentence.

"Firework show will be displayed at 8:30 PM on Friday. Be sure to not miss it!"

It sounds fun. The tickets were only four dollars, and it could be my chance to win the bet. I folded the flyer, and put it in my pocket.


I went to first period, which was the was one of the couple of classes I didn't have with Chan, which only made me impatient. I sat down, and placed my bag beside me.

After a long while, the door swung open.

I took a quick glance at the door. "Of course it's him." I thought to myself, crossing my arms across my chest. Seo Changbin.

...My ex boyfriend.

"You're late, Changbin. You practically missed the whole lesson." Said the teacher, annoyed. "Mhm." He mumbled, heading to his seat.

"That's the fourth time this week, young man." Continued the teacher. "Yeah, I know how to count." He says sarcastically. I felt nauseous, knowing I had once been with him.

"That's detention for you, sir." Said the teacher, sternly. Changbin just puts his head down, seeming not to care. I scoffed at him.

His head perks up, and he turns to me. "You got something to say?" He asks. I scrunch my nose up. "I told you to not talk to me." I said, warningly.

"Well that's hard to do, with you being so cute." He said with creepy smirk that send shivers down my spine, and not the good kind.

I looked up in front of me to escape his gaze, but I knew his eyes were still on me. Thankfully, the bell rings for second period, and I quickly get out of my seat, heading for the door.

I felt safer in the hallway. There were a lot of people there, so I don't think Changbin would try anything.

I was wrong.

I felt a strong hand wrap around my wrist. I looked back, and of course. It was Changbin.

"What do you want?" I asked. He chuckled. "Y'know you can't avoid me forever, Lixie." He said.

"Stop calling me that." I said. I twisted my wrist out of his grip. "And stop talking to me. I don't want anything to do with you anymore." I said. "I broke up with you for a reason." I continued.

Changbin takes a step closer to me, and began stroking my cheek with his finger. "I know, but i've changed, Lixie. I'm different now. We can be happy, like we used to be. Together." He said, in a soft, comforting voice.

"I don't believe you." I said. "I have to go class before i'm late." I said quickly, and speed walking away.

I walked into my second period class, and saw that Chan was already there. I take a sigh of relief, and took my seat next to him.

I set my bag aside, and Chan looks at me. "Are you okay?" He asked. I was about to smile and nod my head to reassure him that I was okay, but what would be the point in lying? I didn't feel okay.

I shook my head. "No, i'm not okay. I don't feel good." I whispered. "Do you feel sick again? I can take you to the nurses office." He offered. "No, not like that. I don't feel...okay." I said. Chan looks at me confused.

"Never mind." I mumble. I looked away, frustrated. If I could yell out loud without looking crazy, I definitely would.

I laid my head down, and closed my eyes, wanting escape everything. Especially Changbin. Why can't I stop thinking about him? I don't like him anymore, not after what he's done.


The ring of the bell woke me up. I lifted my head and saw everyone leaving the classroom. "I must've fallen asleep." I thought to myself.

A large hand patted my back. I looked up to see Chan with my bag in his hand. "Wanna go out to the tree for lunch?" He asked. I nodded. He hands my bag to me, and we both go outside.

I watch as he sits down, leaning against the tree. "Wanna sit next to me?" He asked, patting the spot next to him. I don't say anything, but I sit beside him, feeling safer. I began eating my lunch silently.

"Hey, Felix." Says Chan. "Hm?" I hummed, putting my lunch down. "Is there...anything I can do to make you feel better? I don't like seeing you this." He said.

I blinked at him, thinking of what to say, and as I do, I find myself holding his hand.

"Just...stay with me." I said. Chan nods silently. "What happened anyway?" He asks. I gulp and shiver. "My ex asked me to give him another chance." I said, quietly.

"He what? He didn't do anything to hurt you, right?" Chan asks, worried. I shook my head. "No, but now I can't stop thinking about it. It's like it's eating me away." I said.

"...Are you gonna do it?" He asks. "Give him another chance? Nope." I said. Chan sighs, sounding relieved.

I smiled. "Why does it matter to you?" I asked giggling. "I-I just was wondering. He doesn't sound like a good guy since you're acting like this, so I-uh...was looking out for you." He said, stuttering.

"If he ever bothers you again, tell me. I'll punch him right in his face to shut him up." Says Chan, swinging at the air. I smile.

"Alright, tough guy." I said, laughing. I felt much more better now. Chan smiles at me, which is something that has become more frequent.

I lay my head on his shoulder, just like the day before, except I wasn't going to sleep. "Thanks for making me feel better." I said, smiling.

"No problem. I guess i'm getting better at that." He said. I closed my eyes, and let myself relax.

Everything was gonna be okay.


✔️Say Cheese!||Chanlix FF Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora