-Mean Or Lonely?-

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My first impression of him was....gloomy.

The new student seemed like a very gloomy person, but yet he gave off a vibe unlike anyone else. I want to know him better, I really do.

I shot my hand up once our teacher finished introducing the new student. "Ms. Owen! There's an open desk next to me!" I call out. "Oh, perfect! Chan you may go sit next Felix." She said. Chan nods slowly, and trudges his way to the desk next to mine.

He finally sits down, and stares at his hands. "Pssst." I whispered. "I'm Felix." I continued. "Yeah, I could tell." He mumbled. "Why are you so grumpy?" I asked teasingly. "I'm not grumpy." He said. "Well, you're acting like it." I said. "No i'm not."

"Yes you are.

"No i'm not."

"Yes you are."

"No i'm not."

"Yes you are."

"You're really annoying, you know?" Says Chan. "Oh I know. It's what i'm known best for." I say, proudly and flashing him a smile. He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms across his chest.

"Hey, wanna eat lunch with me?" I ask. "Thanks, but no thanks." He said sharply. "Why not?" I ask, pouting. "I just don't want to." He said, sounding straight forward. I poke him with my pencil. "Aw, c'mon? Please?" I ask once again. "No." He says. "Pretty plea-" I start, but meanie Chan cuts me off.

"Fine!" He says loudly. The class goes silent and looks at us. "Sorry about that." I said, smiling at everyone. Ms. Owen raises her eyebrow at me, but continues teaching. I guess i'm a bit of a teachers pet. I get away with almost anything. I sit back, and wait for the bell to ring.


I spot Chan under a tree (obviously trying to avoid me) and run over. "Hey Chan!" I exclaimed. "Hi." He said. I plop down on the soft grass, and put my lunch bag beside me. "So whatcha get for lunch?" I asked.

"Salad, water and an apple." He said blankly, as he put another mouthful of lettuce in his mouth. "Bleh. How can you put up with vegetables? They taste so bad." I said, gagging. He glanced at me, then looked back at his salad.

"How can he pay more attention to his salad, than at me?" I thought to myself, slightly annoyed. Am I that boring?

I stared at him for a couple of moments, waiting for him to ask what I have. After a while, he realized he wasn't going to. "Well, my mom packed me a Nutella sandwich, with crisps and juice box." I said. I saw a quick smile, that left as quickly as it came appear on a face.

"What?" I said. "Your mom packed your food?" He asked. "Yeah, why?" I asked. "Aren't you like, 17?" He asks. "Yeah, I am. Your point?" I said. "Shouldn't you...y'know....be packing your own food?" Says Chan.

"Well, I try, but always fail, so Mom does it for me." I said smiling. I saw another short smile appear on Chan's face. "Alright." He says. "Soooo, why are you here?" I ask. "What do you mean?" Asks Chan.

"Why did you transfer here? We graduate in like 3 weeks. Isn't it more simpler to just finish your studies in your old school?" I say. I find a bit strange that he's here at this time in the year.

His face goes dull again. "We moved." He says quickly. "Why?" I ask. He takes another mouthful of lettuce. "None of your business." I look at him pick up more lettuce on his fork, and he notices.

"Can you stop staring at me like that?! I'm not gonna tell you!" He exclaimed angrily. "Sorry." I say quietly, and take a bite out of my sandwich. I guess I touched a sensitive subject.

His face softens, and he runs his hand through his hair. "I'm sorry." He said, sighing sadly. He grabs his bag, and stands up.

"Look Felix, you seem like a nice person. Don't waste your time on me. You're only going to end up realizing it was all a mistake." He says, then walks away.

I watch him walk down the hill, and back into the school. Does he really think I'll give up that easily?

I know he's a good person. I can tell. I just need to get him to believe that too.


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