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When I heard him laughing, I couldn't help but blush. I finally saw those wonderful dimples I saw in the pictures, in real life. His laughter sounded so warm and genuine. I began laughing along with him.

After a while, we both calm down. Chan wiped a tear from his eye. "That's hilarious!" He exclaimed. "It's because I came up with it." I said, grinning. "I guess so." He said, smiling again, clearly displaying his small dimples.

"You should smile more often, Chan. It gives me more of a reason to stare at your face." I said.

"What was that?" He asked, not hearing what just came out my mouth . My eyes widened, realizing what I just said.

"Nothing!" I said, realizing what I said. I kicked myself under the table.

We talked for about another 30 minutes. I was honestly surprised about how talkative he was now. It was like he was a completely different person.

I felt a huge cold droplet fall on my nose. A couple of seconds later, some more fell, landing on my head and shoulders.

"You felt that too?" Asked Chan. "Yeah. We should get going." I said. I looked around, noticing that the once packed park, had reduced to only a few people.

That's when I felt the thousands of piercing cold droplets start shooting down. In no time, I felt my shirt begin to cling onto my skin

"It's raining!" I exclaimed. "Yeah, I could tell." Said Chan, sarcastically. Chan stood up from the table. "C'mon, let's go find some cover." Said Chan. I pouted.

"What's wrong with the rain?" I asked. He sighs and grabbed my hand. Chan began pulling me out of the park.

It took me a second to process what was happening. As soon as I did, my face turned red. "H-Hey! What are you doing?" I asked, as he dragged me along the sidewalk. He pulls me into a nearby cafe, where some other people were waiting for the rain to stop.

Then Chan flicks my forehead with his finger. "Ow! What was that for?" I exclaimed, holding my forehead.

"You dummy. You should have worn a hoodie." He says, ignoring my question. I looked at my shirt, which was pretty much soaked. And cold. The AC was blasting from right above us. I shivered.

"Are you cold? I can give you my hoodie if you are." I said. I would have said yes, but I didn't want to seem annoying to him. "No, no it's fine." I said, waving my hands. "Are you sure?" Asks Chan suspiciously. "Yup! I'll be okay." I said, smiling. "Okay..." Said Chan.

"Uh, we should probably should head back to your house now." I said. "Alright." Said Chan. "It shouldn't take too long to get there." He said, as we walked through the door. I nodded, and followed behind him.

It wasn't raining as hard, which is what I expected, but it still was cold, at least for me. I get cold really easily, so I really don't know why I decided to wear a short sleeve shirt today.

I rubbed my arms, in an attempt to warm myself up, which didn't work. Next I tried looking down, to focus on my steps, to get my mind off of being cold. Chan stops suddenly, causing me to run into his back. "Sorry." I said. He turns around.

"You were lying, weren't you?" He asked, moving his face closer to mine. "Huh?" I said. "Y'know, if you WANT to be my friend, I suggest to not lie to me." Chan said. He was so close, I felt his breath on my face. I couldn't move.

Chan moves a step back, and takes off his hoodie. He then puts it hanging on my shoulder. I came  back to my senses, now that he was a reasonable distance away. I grabbed it.

"It's okay, I don't ne-" I start, but Chan cuts me off. "If you don't put it on, I'll do it for you."

I immediately put the hoodie on. Although, one part of me wouldn't mind it, the other part isn't ready for that. Knowing myself, I'd make it really awkward or something.

"Good." Said Chan, sounding satisfied. "Now let's go. It's just two more blocks down." He said. "Okay. Let's hurry up." I said.


Chan and I took off our shoes, and left them by the door. I noticed how quiet it was. "Is your Mom gone?" I asked. "Yeah. She probably left for work 20 minutes ago." Said Chan.

"Don't you get lonely? I noticed that she works a lot." I said. "I don't mind being alone. I mean, sure. Sometimes I get lonely, but it's not like I have much of a choice." He said. I followed him into the kitchen. I looked at the counter, and saw some money.

"I'm guessing that's for dinner?" I said. "Mhm. Sometimes she doesn't have time to make food." He said. "Want pizza?" Chan asks. I noticed how hungry I was.

"Yeah. Pizza sounds amazing right now." I said smiling. "Alright, I'll order some." He said, grabbing his phone.


Chan hands me a plate with a steaming hot slice. "Thank you!" I said. I sat down in front of him. I quickly bite into the pizza, which was a big mistake.

"Hot, hot!" I yell, fanning my now burnt tongue. I quickly grab my glass of water, and began chugging it down.

After putting it back down, it didn't hurt as much. Then, I heard strange noises coming from Chan.

He had his face covering his hands. "Are you crying?" I asked. He suddenly bursted out laughing. I sat looking at him, confused. "What's so funny?" I asked. " You should've seen your face!" He said, grabbing his stomach. "Ah, I can't breathe!" He said, still laughing.

"Hey! It's not funny! It really hurt." I said, crossing my arms. He continued laughing. "You're mean." I mumbled, kicking him playfully under the table.

"Okay, okay. I'll stop." He said, trying to catch his breath. "You better." I said. "C'mon. It was funny." He said, smiling.

"Maybe you should take a picture. It'll last longer." I said, sarcastically. Chan's smile disappeared, and he looked at the ground.

I noticed his change in mood immediately. "Are you okay? Did I say something?" I asked frantically. Chan stared at his plate.

"I'm not hungry anymore. You can have my food." He said quietly. He gets up from the table. I go after him. I grab his wrist.

"Wait! I'm sorry I didn't mean-" I start. He turns around and looks me straight in the eye. "Get off of me." He said. Surprised at his sudden reaction, I let go of him. He turns around and walked up stairs.

I stared at the staircase that he just walked on. Tears sprang into my eyes. What did I do? What made him so angry? I wiped my tears with the back of my hand. I took off his hoodie, folded it neatly, and left it on the couch.

I figured he probably wouldn't want me here anymore. I patted the folded hoodie and smiled, as tears continued to run down my face. I walked out of his house, and sped walked to mine. It was almost time for me to come back home anyway.


My Dad's car still wasn't parked in front of the house. Ever since the argument that he and my Mom had, he's been spending less and less time at home.

My Mom has been spending a lot of time cleaning, which is what she does when she is stressed. I guess I can understand it. Some things you can have control over, like cleaning.

But now, I felt like we barely talked as much as we used to. I felt like I had no one to talk to.

Well, maybe one person, if he hopefully doesn't hate me.


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