-Moments Before the Maniac-

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(Changbin POV)

Earlier that day...3AM

I look at the night sky and put a lit up cigarette in my mouth.

Tonight on the balcony reminded me of one of the dates Felix and I went on. We snuck out around this time, two years ago and went to the beach. Of course, no one was on the beach. Only the two of us, and that's what made it so special.

We talked, laughed, made jokes, played games, watched the sky and skipped rocks.

I chuckled at the memory as a puff of smoke escaped my mouth. I remember that at the end of our date Felix was so tired, he couldn't even walk. I had to carry him on my back all the way to his house.

Those were the good times.

My nostalgic mood goes sour as I thought about HIM. The destroyer of relationships. Boyfriend stealer. Stupid asshole. Chan.

He could never give Felix the love I gave him, he could never compare. I just really don't see what Felix sees in him. Sure, he's good looking, but that's about it.

His whole mysterious sad guy act; it's all fake. It's so blatantly obvious, why am I the only one who's seeing it? "Go die in a hole, shit face." I whisper before taking another puff.

"In a bad mood again?" Said a taunting voice behind me. I turn around and roll my eyes once I realize who it was. "What the fuck do want now, Hyunjin?"

"Chill out. And watch the attitude while you're at it, because i'm LETTING you stay here." He said, walking up beside me and leaning on the railing just as I was.

"Still hung up on the crybaby?" Asked Hyunjin. I roll my eyes again as I take one more puff. "When are you gonna stop calling him that?" I ask."Whenever you get over him."

"So I can focus on you?" I ask Hyunjin with a chuckle. Hyunjin nudges me with his elbow. "Well...yeah." He says sheepishly.

Hyunjin was one of my hookups while Felix and I were going through...our rough patch. Felix never found out about our hookup, but even after Felix broke up with me, Hyunjin stayed.

"You know that I really like you Changbin. It really hurts to see someone you care about hung up on someone who doesn't." He says, looking at the sky.

I put out my cigarette and throw it over the balcony. "Felix DOES care about me. It's just that....that piece of shit. He's making Felix confused about his feelings towards me. He needs to go."

Hyunjin sighs in frustration. "Whatever. Just kill him or something, i'm sure that'll make your life a thousand times easier." He says in a sarcastic tone as he got off the railing and walks away.

I perk up. Why didn't I think of that before? It's be so easy! Just kill him and he's gone! I never would need to worry about him again.

I look at the bruise forming on my arm from our fight. I'll finally get back at him. For the shit he ruined for me.

I had the perfect plan.


I check the time.


I had finally finished the letter to Chan.

I hear the door open. I turn around and see Hyunjin leaning of the doorframe. "So. I'm bored. Wanna do something together?" He asks.

I turn back around and start putting the letter in the envelope. "Not right now. I'm busy." I said. Why couldn't he just leave me alone?

"You're always busy. You never hang out with me anymore." Hyunjin whined. I hear him lay on the bed. I ignore him, and finish closing the envelope.

"Changbinnnn." Hyunjin calls out. I sigh and turn around. "Okay. I'm done. What do you want to do."

He looks at me and starts laughing. "You already know what." He said through his laughter. I look at his eyes and notice the smell coming from him. "No Hyunjin. I told you we can only do it when we're both sober and not stoned to all hell."

Hyunjin flips onto his back and stares at the ceiling. "I AM sober, Changbin." He said, slurring his words.

I take a deep breath to calm myself down. "Go to your bed, Hyunjin." I said. "I don't want to. You're not the boss of me." He said, through a yawn.

I take one last look at the envelope. I decided to put it in Chan's mailbox later. I turn off the lights and go to lie beside Hyunjin.

"Hyunjin?" I say. He hums in response. "Why are you still here? Why do you stay with me?" I asked him.

Hyunjin chuckles softly. "You already know this too, Binnie. I. Like. You. I told you like a bajillion times. You must be very forgetful." He says.

I smile. Just a little. "I guess I am."

"You're the only person I met who has treated me with some form of human decency. Sure it's not something you'd see on TV, but it's something. And I like you for that." Hyunjin continued.

"You get really emotional when you're high." I said. "Well, you're not fucking me, so what choice do I have?"

I clear my throat. "I just wanted to say...thank you. For always being there for me. No one else likes me anymore. Like. everyone says, i'm just a big asshole." I confess.

Hyunjin flips around to look at me. "I guess we're the only ones who understand each other, huh?" He says. "But, you're welcome. I'm not leaving anytime soon. You might be, but i'm not. Guess i'm just better than you."

I couldn't help but feel a sudden pang of guilt at his words. I was about to apologize, but Hyunjin spoke first. "If you're about to apologize, don't. I'm okay with being the second choice. I know how much the crybaby means to you."

I'm going to be honest. I don't think i'm going to make it back to Hyunjin without a punishment. I don't know where the punishment will come from, but I know it'll come.

I know I could just...not kill Chan, but I feel like i'm supposed to. I knew from a young age that I wasn't going to accomplish something big and good like my parents wanted me to. I always felt like I was going to have a huge screw up in my life that would ruin everything. Maybe this is it.

"Hyunjin...i'll tell you this. Today I might do something really big. If I succeed, things will stay the same. But, if I chicken out, i'll come back to you. And we can work on us. Our relationship."

Hyunjin nods and snuggles up against me. "I'm really really hoping you chicken out of whatever you're going to do." He says before falling asleep.

I'm really hoping I do too.


A/N: Thank you all for waiting for this chapter! I hope you like it!

I've been procrastinating a lot, but I think i'm back on track now. It's summertime so I have a lot more time on my hands!

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