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I watched Chan's Mom face sadden as Chan ran up to his room. "Should I leave?" I ask. I didn't want to invade something private.

She sighs. "No, it's okay. Knowing Chan, he'll eventually get out of his room, and walk you home or something. It's just how he is." She said.

"I think he just needs some space right now. He's going through a lot, and I don't want to trouble him." She said. "Well, I better head off to work..." She continued.

"You can eat any snacks we have lying around." She said, before leaving. I nod. I heard the door close, and soon heard a car engine starting.

I sink into the couch, and looked looked at the walls. I saw a couple baby picture of Chan hung up. I smiled and went up closer.

"So cute!" I exclaimed quietly. He had an adorable smile, that showed off a pair of dimples I never knew he had.

He looks so happy. I've never seen him like that. What could have happened to make someone who was happy, so....sad

I looked at another picture, where Chan looked a bit more older. Once again, he had the same wonderful smile. "I wonder if I could find a way to make him smile like that..." I thought to myself.

I suddenly got a weird feeling. "Maybe I should check on Chan." I thought. I went up the stairs, and opened a random door, which was the bathroom, so that's nice to know. I saw a door with a sign the said "Chan's Room".

I probably should have checked there first.

My hand became shaky as I reached for the knob, but once I felt the cold metal, I swung the door open. I saw Chan on the floor with a sack in his hands. He quickly put it back into a suitcase that was next to him, and slid it under his bed.

"Hey, sorry for barging in." I said. Chan sat silently looking at his hands. I take a deep breath in, and sat down beside him. "About what I said earlier...you don't have to do it. I understand if you don't." I said, still looking at him. Chan suddenly turned, facing me.

His eyes look determined and full of sincerity. "I'll do it." He said. I felt my mouth curl into a wide smile. "Really?" I asked.

"But i'm doing it because I feel bad about punching you, not because I want a friend." He says.

"How about this? I'll try to make you have the best two weeks ever." I say. "If by the end of time, I don't accomplish that, you don't have to ever speak to me again." I continued. I began thinking about the promise I made to myself.

He stared at me silently. "Hm. I accept. Two weeks, starting Monday." Says, Chan. "Great! Just be ready for the best two weeks ever." I said, with a mischievous grin. "We'll see." Said Chan.

I look out the window, and noticed the sun was setting. I gulped. By the time I get home, it'll be night. "What's wrong?" Asks Chan. "It's getting late." I said.

"And...I really hate the dark..." I said quietly.
"Oh, okay."

"I'll walk you home." He continued. "I don't want to bother you. Are you sure?" I asked. Chan nods. I smiled, feeling much better.

We both got up, and headed down to the front door. The sun was almost gone by then. I stood closer to Chan, as I directed us to my house.

"Will you be able to get back home?" I ask Chan. "I'll be fine." He said. The wind blew, causing the trees to make loud creepy rustling noises. My legs shook a little.

"Hey...can you..y'know..." Says Chan, motioning his head towards his arm, where I realized I had my arms wrapped around his. My face turned red, and I quickly pulled my arm away. "S-Sorry." I said.

"I don't mind. You just had your arms around mine really tightly. You could have just loosened them." Said Chan, nonchalantly.

"How can he sound so casual about EVERYTHING?" I thought to myself. I stayed silent and continued walking, while looking at the ground, flinching at almost every noise that wasn't our own.

Chan sighs, then grabs my hand, and intertwined his fingers with mine. I felt my face started to burn, and for once in my life, I was grateful that it was dark. "Better?" He asked. "Y-Yeah. Thanks." I said quietly.

"Are any of these houses yours?" He asks. "Yeah. That one." I said, pointing to my house. He stops and lets go of my hand.

I almost grab his hand again, but....I guess that was a little weird for now. "You can make it from here, right?" He asks.

"Yeah." I said, still looking at his hand. My eyes met his again. "Thanks a lot for walking me here. I kinda have a fear of being alone in the dark." I said. " No problem." He said. Chan stuffs his hands into his pockets, which I noticed he does a lot.

"We all have our fears." He said, kicking a pebble. "Yeah..." I said. "Well i'll see you Monday. I hope you aren't a sore loser, because i'm gonna win this bet." I continue, with a mischievous grin on my face.

"Oh, it's a bet now? Well, we'll see, Felix. We'll see." Says Chan. He winks at me, then turns around and began to walk away. I took one last glance at him. He was so mysterious and quiet. I sighed, and walked to the front door of my house.

Before I even knock at the door, it swings open. I saw my Dad standing, but he was facing the inside of the house. "I can't believe you! How poorly do you think of me?" He yelled. He turns around and faces me.

"Move." He growled, glaring at me, as I stood frozen. When I didn't move, he pushed me out of the way, almost making me fall over. I stared at him, shocked, as he got into his car, and drove away.

I walk through the door, which was wide open. I closed the door behind me. I walked into the living room, and saw my Mom on the couch, with her hands covering her face.

"Is this another one of the "quarrels" that you're having with Dad?" I ask. She looked up at me, her eyes red from crying.

She doesn't answer. "Why don't you tell me anything?" I say, sitting next to her. "I don't want to put any stress on you." She said. "I'm not a baby, I can handle it." I said. She rubs her arms, and sighs.

"I think your Dad is cheating on me."


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