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"I'm sorry."

I looked at him confused. I pulled the lollipop out of my mouth. "You're sorry? What for?" I ask.

He clears his throat and looks out at the sea in front of us. "I feel i'm being such an ass. You made a nice bracelet and apologize for what happened earlier. I should be apologizing, not you." He says.

I looked at his hands, and saw the blue bracelet I made for him, only hours ago during school. "But I was the one who asked you. So it is my fault." I said.

I felt horrible for bringing up a seemingly bad memory for him. He shakes his head. I crunch up the remaining part of my lollipop, causing little crystals to fill up my mouth.

Chan clears his throat again, and faces me. "How about I buy you something cold? It's pretty hot out here, and it'll be my treat." He says. I sit up.

"Really?" I exclaimed excitedly. "Well, are you sure? I still feel bad..." I said, calming down. "No, no it's okay." He says. "Well....okay then!" I say.

I jumped out of the seat and, and sped walked all the way to my favorite refreshment truck, which wasn't far. Chan followed close behind. I stood on my tippy toes and ring the bell.

"Ah, Felix! My favorite customer! You want the usual?" Asks Mr. Ricci. Mr. Ricci told me he was raised in Italy, and moved here, almost 23 years ago, and opened this refreshment truck about 20 years ago, so he's like a legend to me. And his slushies and gelatos are really good.

"Yup! Strawberry gelato!" I exclaimed. "Is that your friend there?" Asked Mr. Ricci, looking at Chan who was a bit farther behind, still staring at the ocean.

"Well....not yet. I'm trying to become his friend though, but he's really quiet, and talks only when he needs to." I said quietly, to make sure Chan didn't hear me.

"Ah, okay." Said Mr. Ricci, scooping two huge scoops of gelato into a cup. "Here you go." Said Mr. Ricci. I took the cup from him, and heard Chan walk up from behind me. "How much?" He asked. "You don't want anything?" Asked Mr. Ricci.

Chan shook his head. "I'm not the biggest fan of....sweets." He said. "Well, i'm feeling very generous today, so the gelato is free. Have a nice day you two!" Said Mr. Ricci. I smiled and nudged Chan.

"Oh really? Thank you, sir." Said Chan. "Oh, don't call me sir. It makes me feel old. Just call me Mr. Ricci." He said. "Uh, okay.....Mr. Ricci." Said Chan.

We were near the local park when I decided to apologize again. "Hey...once again, I'm sorry about earlier. I know you said it's okay, but I still feel like it's not." I said.

Chan faces me and puts his hand on my shoulder. "Okay. You apologized, I apologized so it should be fine on both ends. There's no need to apologize anymore. I'm starting to get sick of that word." He said. I smiled. "Okay!" I said.

I scratched my head. "Well, I need to head home before sunset, or else Mom is gonna get mad at me. Plus the dark is scary, so I'll see you in school tomorrow." I said.

"I told you not to become friends with me." Said Chan, stuffing his hands into his pocket. "That sounds like something friends would do."

"You think that's gonna stop me? Don't try to hide, because I will find you." I said, confidently.

"Anyway, bye bye! Also the bracelet looks great on you." I said, before walking away. I ate another spoonful of my delicious gelato, feeling very satisfied with myself.


"Felix! Did you finish homework?" Called Mom from downstairs. "Yeah! Just finished!" I said, putting my completed homework into my bag for tomorrow.

"Come downstairs for dinner!" Called out Mom once again. I stretched my arms, and headed downstairs. I smelled a very familiar spicy, cheesy scent.

"Tteokbokki?" I ask. Mom smiles. "Yep. Your favorite." She says. I sit down, and she puts a plate stacked with food. As I was devouring my delicious dinner, I noticed a sad expression on Mom's face. I cleaned my mouth with a napkin. "Why do you look so sad? Are you okay?" I ask.

"No, i'm fine..." She said hesitantly. "Mom, you're terrible at lying, you and I both know that. I probably get that trait from you. Anyway, what's wrong?" I say. She sighs.

"Just having a bit of a quarrel with your father." She said, looking at her plate. She looks up back at me. "I can't believe how much you resemble your father and I. You have the same eyes and nose as your father, and you have the same hair color and freckles as I do." She said, smiling softly.

I can tell she doesn't want to talk about the "quarrel" that her and my Dad are having. "I know Mom. You say that like, everyday." I said. Mom laughs.

"Just have to let you know, honey." She said. We finished our dinner in silence. "I'll wash the dishes, Mom." I said. "Are you sure? Your Dad will be home soon, and I don't want you to get in trouble with him." She says.

I nod. "It's fine. I can handle him." I say, with a smile. "Alright, alright. Try not to drop anything, i'll be in my room ironing clothes if you need me." She said, then kisses my forehead.

I watched my Mom go upstairs, and I began washing the plates and silverware used today. Not long after, I heard the sound of keys jiggling in the door knob. A few moments later, my Dad walks into the kitchen.

"Hi Dad!" I exclaimed. "Hello Felix. Are you washing the dishes?" He says. I nod, and continued scrubbing the plate I was working on.

"Your Mother should be doing that, not you. You're a man, Felix. Men don't wash dishes." He said. I hunch over slightly at his comment. "Well, Mom looked tired, so I offered to wash them." I said.

"C'mon, Felix." He said in a taunting tone, while placing his work bag down. "The only guys who wash the dishes are gays, and my son is NOT gay." He said.

I avoid eye contact with him. "Mom left dinner for you in the fridge." I said quietly. I felt his eyes burning into me, but I relaxed once I heard the fridge open.

His words repeated in my head. "...and my son is NOT gay.". I would have burst out laughing if I wasn't so scared.

I came out as gay to my Mom almost three years ago, and being the great mother she is, she accepted me.

I never told my Dad, because I knew how he would react. And I LIKE living in a house, so I just have to keep quiet in front of him until I leave for college, which isn't too far away, thankfully.

I finished washing the last couple of plates, and quickly headed upstairs. I shut my door, and breathe a sigh of relief. My Dad makes the atmosphere is so heavy and scary, I don't like being around him for too long.

I take a shower, brushed my teeth, put on my favorite chick onesie, and crawled into bed. My mood immediately lifted thinking about Chan.

He may act mean, but I think he could be a really sweet person. "I promise to make Chan happy, somehow." I whispered to myself.

And I never break promises. I won't let Chan be the first.


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