-Fixing Mistakes-

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I laid on my bed, looking at the ceiling.

I had finally put up the photo I took of Felix in the very corner of my ceiling. It looked strange there, all alone. I still need to add more photos.

Felix. He kissed me.

I loved every moment of it. I love the feeling of his lips on mine, how they moved with such gentleness. The feeling of butterflies exploded in my stomach as he kissed me. It was amazing.

It was perfect.

The moment was absolutely perfect, but I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do after, so I panicked, like an absolute idiot, and left. I was scared of what was to come next.

What do you do after your best friend kisses you?

Do you just remain friends, knowing you kissed? Do you take it to the next level and actually start to date? It sounds so simple. To just "date".

I want to date Felix. Very badly. But dating is a whole commitment, and I don't know what will come out of it. I don't want to loose Felix. I want him to stay with me forever.

I sit up. Dating is all about taking risks, right? I'm willing to date Felix. I can't keep leaving randomly like this. I also need to become better. Better at staying. I look through my drawers, and found my wallet.

I have a plan.


I laid awake the whole night.

I was so anxious. I had finally done it. I ruined our relationship. I ruined everything. I'm so confused. I thought he enjoyed it from the way he touched me.

I guess it's confirmed that he doesn't like me. I misread our whole relationship. If I could take it all back, I would do it in a heartbeat. Due to my blatant stupidity, I lost my best friend.

Just thinking about those words made me feel sick to my stomach.

I saw sunlight pouring through the cracks of my window. I looked at my clock. I've been laying here for many hours. Since last night. Since Chan left me alone on that bench.

It was already 2pm, but I had no energy. I felt so...numb. It sounded embarrassing to hear, but I honestly just wanted to rot away in bed. I wanted to be alone.

I sigh, and grab my headphones that were beside me. I put on my playlist filled with comforting music.

This felt worst than a break up, and we were never even an actual couple.

I flipped to my side and closed my eyes. Maybe a little bit more sleep wouldn't hurt. I won't have to think about him.


A few hours later...

I woke up and felt horrible.

I think I slept too much. I sigh, and get up from my bed. I was sick of staying in my room. I grab some fresh clothes, and head the bathroom to take a shower.

Even in the shower, I felt frustrated. Chan was the only thing on my mind. Will it always be like this? Maybe I should apologize again, and tell him to forget everything I did today. I turn off the shower and dry myself off.

I had nothing else to do. Maybe I could go out, but I don't feel like it. I sit down at my desk and run my fingers through my hair. I noticed something on the floor.

I pick it up and turn it over. It was the information for the festival.

I crumpled it and threw it in my trash can.

Today was the last day of the festival. I wasn't going to go. I don't think I bear going, knowing the original reason why I was going in the first place. It was too much to handle. I heard a little tap at my window, that made me perk up.

After that, I heard a few more taps.

It couldn't be a person tapping it, because my room is on the second floor. It would be impossible for someone to be up there.

After a few more taps, I got annoyed. I stood up and went to my window, and opened the curtains.

Just as I do, a small rock hits the window.

I jump back in surprise. A rock just hit my window? I opened the window and looked at who was throwing the rocks.

I saw him.

Chan was standing there with a gentle smile on his face, with a bouquet of flowers, and a sign that said, "Felix Lee, can I be your boyfriend?(For real this time)" in colorful letters.

I kept looking back and forth at the sign, then his face. Was this a dream? This couldn't be real...

Was Chan really asking me to be his...boyfriend?

I glanced at my clock. It was 8PM. I chewed on my lip, and glanced back at Chan. His smile changed into a nervous look. I closed my window, and went downstairs. I headed out the front door to meet him outside.

I turned around the corner, and surely enough, saw Chan. He smiled weakly at me, still holding the sign and flowers.

I stare at him blankly. Chan sighs. "I'm guessing that's a no. Look Felix, i'm so sorry for being such a dick, and I swear on my life that I'll stop being so-"

I slap him.

He takes a few steps back in surprise, holding his cheek where I slapped him. I then hug-tackled him, sending both of us to the ground. The sign and bouquet fall quietly in the grass beside us.

I still had my arms tightly wrapped around him. I laid my head gently against his shoulder. "Yes, Chan. I'll be your boyfriend." I said. After hearing what I said, Chan slowly puts his arms around me, finishing the hug.

I lift my head off his chest to meet his eyes. "You really hurt me, you know." I said in a serious tone.

"I'm sorry, Felix. It's a bad habit, but I promise i'm going to fix it. For you." He says. Chan rubs his cheek and chuckles. "I deserved that, didn't I?"

A smile slowly forms on my face. "Yeah. You probably deserve a hundred more, but i'll have pity on you." I said. Chan laughs, and cups the side of my face with his hand.

"You're so beautiful, sunshine." He whispers, before kissing me. This time, I was the surprised one.

But, after a few moments, I found his passionate rhythm. I wrapped my arms closer around him, and so did Chan. I didn't want any space between us. Not even an atom. I could tell that's what he wanted too.

After a while, we pulled away from each other, panting. His lips were red, so I'm guessing mine we're too. I laugh through my panting. "You don't know how long i've waited for you to kiss me, Chan."

Chan smiles at me. "Well, you don't have to wait anymore." He says, then pecks my lips. "I just can't get enough of you, Felix." He says.

I grin, and sit up on my knees, allowing Chan to sit up as well. He grabs the bouquet, and holds it toward me. I gently take it from him. "I really can't believe it. You're my boyfriend, i'm your boyfriend. It's all so...surreal." I say.

"I know what you mean. I'm so glad it's real, though." Says Chan. "Oh, I almost forgot!" Chan continued, standing up. He puts his hand out to pull me up, and I grab it.

"I have one more surprise for you."


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