-Stupid Things-

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I tapped my finger against my knee. The only noise in the room was the sound of the fan on the principal's desk.

"So...anyone want to explain what happened?" Asked the principal, breaking the silence. Changbin stands up suddenly. "This is fucking stupid. I don't want to be in the same room as him."

"Mr. Seo, please sit down and watch your profanity. If you leave now, it will only lengthen your suspension." Says the principal. Changbin groans, but sits back down. Chan clears his throat. "I'll explain."

30 Minutes Later...

I looked at Chan with an wide eyes. He read out the DM's between Changbin and him. I was in shock about how nasty Changbin spoke about me. I had no idea he saw me as a piece of property.

"Felix, you looked shocked. I'm assuming you didn't know about this." States the principal. Chan speaks up before I do. "Yes, that's correct. He didn't. Felix was only trying to stop the fight. I now realize how immature I was, to agree in fighting with one of my peers. I'm truly sorry for disrupting today's classes. I can assure you I will never do something like that again."

The principal nods with a faint smile. "Beautiful words, Chan. That was exactly what I wanted to hear. I accept your apology but I still have to give you some sort of punishment. I think a two day suspension will do. This is the lowest punishment I can give you."

Chan sighs sadly, but nods. "I understand. Thank you, sir." The principal looks at Changbin. "Changbin, if you apologize, I will shorten your suspension." I already know what he's gonna say.

"Hell no. I don't regret anything. He deserved every punch that landed on his stupid face."

The principal sighs. "Felix, Chan you may leave. I need to have a proper chat with Mr. Seo here." Says the principal. I nod, and Chan I leave the the office.

We were in the office for quite a while. School already ended a while ago. Chan and I walked down the empty hallway in awkward silence.

"Hey...thank you for standing up for me in the messages. It means a lot." I say, breaking the silence.

"You're welcome. Felix, I have a question..." He says, stopping. "Yeah?" I say.

"Why would you ever date such a dickhead?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at the sudden question. I looked at him and could tell he was being completely serious. "Well, I was actually the one who asked him to be my boyfriend. He wasn't always such an asshole. I don't know what happened. It was the first relationship for both of us, we both kept made mistakes and got tired of it." I said. Chan listened silently to every word I said.

"Do you regret dating him?"

I thought about it for a few moments. "I'm not sure...we had some great moments, but the bad ones outweighed the good." I said. "Why do you ask?"

Chan looks at the ground. "Well...i've never been in a relationship. I just wanted to know how you felt." He says in a rather quiet voice. He shakes his head. "Just forget I asked. Let's go." I looked at him confused, but followed after him.

Once we got outside, I grab his arm. "Wait, you're suspended! Aren't they gonna call your mom?" I ask. Chan's eyes widen. "Shit, you're right." He says. "My mom is home until 7:00 today."

"Okay, i'll come with you to explain what happened." I said. "No, it's okay. You really d-" He starts. "Nope, shut up. I'm coming with you, whether you like it or not."


I walk in behind Chan. We take off our shoes at the door. I can tell he's nervous.

I heard noises coming from the kitchen, so she must be in there. Chan and I slowly walk up to the kitchen. "Hey Mom..." Said Chan.

"Hey Chan. Mind telling me why I got a call from the school saying you got into a FIGHT today, and got a two day suspension?" She asked, crossing her arms across her chest. I have never seen her like this.

"Ms. Bang, i'm sorry. I'm the cause of this. One of my exes found out I was hanging out with Chan lately, and decided to fight him. Chan was trying to defend me by agreeing to the fight. He has already apologized to the principal." I say before Chan can.

Ms. Bang stares at me, but then sighs with a faint smile. "I should've known it would've involved Chan trying to protect someone. Look Chan, when things like this happen, you can tell me. Even though I can get busy with work, i'll always have time for you. Thank you for telling me, Felix."

I nodded happily. I looked over at Chan. He didn't look as worried as before. "So...what's my punishment?" Asked Chan. Ms. Bang looks him up and down. "I think those bruises and scrapes are enough as a punishment." She says. "Go take a shower and get cleaned up. Felix, you can go wait in his room."


I sat on Chan's bed with my back against the wall. I was getting a little bored of waiting. I look at his desk.

On top was a familiar photo. I scooted over and picked it up. It was the picture he took of me a few days ago. I smiled looking at it. My heart began beating faster at the thought of the events that happened after this photo was taken. I hold the photo closer to me.

The door opens, and Chan walks in. He only had sweatpants on, and was rubbing a towel on his curly wet hair. He looks at me and sees what's in my hand. "Oh, you found the photo!" He said. I nodded.

"Hey, Chan. You know...i'm really proud of you. I'm happy you gained the confidence to take a photo. I know it wasn't easy." I say, while looking at the photo.

Chan puts his towel down, smiling. "It's because you were there. I don't think I could've done it without your support." He puts on a white tank top and sits down beside me on the bed.

I place the photo down, and looked at his hands. They were clean from blood, but were still covered in scratches along with bruises starting to form.

I gently grab his injured hand, and began playing with his fingers. "I'm so sorry. You're hurt, and it's my fault. I wish Changbin just left us alone." I said.

"Don't apologize. He needed to learn his place at some point. He could've continued harassing you." He said. "Plus, i've had worse injuries."

I look up at him and see that he was looking at me. "Stop getting hurt. Don't do dangerous things, so you can stay on Earth longer. With me." I said softly.

Don't do stupid things.

Especially if it's for me.


✔️Say Cheese!||Chanlix FF Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin