20. The Prayer

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Jimin's POV

Jungkook's crying and I immediately go down to the floor and bring him close to me. I wrap my arms around him and pull him close to me. His face pressed into my neck. I feel him breathe deeply and I smile patting his back.

"Jungkookie what's wrong."

He looks up to me and kisses me deeply, I kiss him back wrapping my arms around his neck and I feel him wrap around my waist.

"Kookie?" I pull away and watch his reel into himself.

"I love you." I smile and comb my fingers through his hair.

"I love you too." He says looking back up at me big doe eyes sparkling with unshed tears.

"What's wrong?" I ask petting his hair, I hear him sigh and I move to let him lie down on my thighs as I kneel.

"Uh the eldest brother, Jin gave me a kiss on the forehead when father killed you. He told me that all wounds heal but I'd never heal from you. He said that father would heal and give you back to me though, he said that one day you'll come back into my life in the same kind of pain I'm in and we'd save each other. He always kept his promises so for Millenia I held on to the hope that we'd find each other and a few thousand years ago I was giving up. I became more and more broken and when I was at my lowest you came back. He was right. I miss my older brother so fucking much." He says a sad chuckle leaving his lips at the end as he rubs at his eyes.

I smile and wipe the remaining tears away feeling warmth blossom inside me.

He looks up at me puzzled and I laugh a little.

"Ahh the first son is always right, you did save me." I say taking a few longer strands from his head and braiding them watching him smile back up at me.

"And you saved me."

I hum and continue to braid watching him close his eyes and relax.

"So did you find the prayer?" I ask combing my fingers through a new lock of hair.

"Yeah I did." He says eyes still closed, small hums rumbling through his throat as I feel him relax ever so slightly in my hands.

"Are you thinking of doing it?" I ask again letting my fingers glide through the silky hair feeling his body tense against me.

"I don't know." He says closing his eyes again eyebrows furrowing.

"Why's that?"

"It's been ages since I've seen him and now I'm not sure if I want to. Or should."

"Your older brother sounds nice, plus it's obvious that he was referring to you in the tale.
'I know what it's like to yearn for a younger figure' he must miss you Kookie."

I watch one of his hands come to his forehead and I soften a little as he says,

"Yeah, maybe."

A little time goes by and his whole head is full of braids. I pat his arm and he sits up. Moving certain braids different places I watch the concentrated look on his face.

After arranging them I lean against him letting his arms wrap around me. At this point I wasn't too sure about what was going to happen but he looked to be thinking hard.

Leaning up I place my lips on his and I feel him relax. Pulling I away I lay back down on his chest and he squeezes me harder.

"I want you to know that no matter what choice you make I'll support you." I say listening to his heart beat faster. I smile and scrunch his shirt up in my hand.

I hear him sigh and I look back up at him and he looks down at me. He looks confused and a little bit emotional but as he brings a hand up to push my hair behind my ear I see him smile.

"I wanna do the prayer." He says. I smile up at him and kiss him again leaving a red hue on his cheeks.

His little floppy braids and red face made me swoon, as the locks of hair swung around while he moved I felt affection bubble in me as I leant in for a kiss.

"Ok Kookie. That's great." I say kissing him repeatedly.

"You're really affectionate." He says smiling as he grips my waist.

"I don't know I feel like I'm falling deeper and deeper the more time I spend with you." I say softly burying my face deeper into his chest.

He lets out a soft laugh and lifts us up from the floor.

"I know what you mean."

As I get up I feel the stickiness in my thighs and grimace. He sees my face and tilts his head. I feel my cheeks burn and I squeeze my legs.

He looks down and I see his face redden as well.

"Lets go have a bath," he says pulling me towards a room. I feel my legs shake as I try walk.

He turns around and picks me up. I let out a small gasp and he he walks into the room running the water as he sits me onto the counter.

I smile as he puts in different oils and bubbles into the water, watching as he dips his fingers in waiting for it to get warmer.

I smile down at him and as he gets up I grab his arm pulling him closer to me.

I lay my forehead against his and just sit there for a moment hearing the water run and the room get warmer.

Our lips meet and I feel myself smiling into it.

He grips my thighs and kisses me deeper. Pulling away I try and regain my breath but he just goes to my neck placing kisses there.

I let out a laugh and he looks back up at me eyes soft.

"You might wanna stop the tap." I say and he gives me a puzzled look before he turns around seeing the water drip down the sides.

"Oh shit."

Hello everyone! I'm very sorry about not updating a lot I just got back to school and we had exam week so I've been pretty busy. I'll get back on schedual soon but on the 15th I have an important test that I need to study for so after that is when you all can expect scheduled updates ☺️. Please tell me what you thought about this chapter is really appreciate it! And if you need anyone to talk to feel free to message me. Hope you all are staying healthy and happy, until next time ☺️

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