1. Encounter

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Jimin's (POV)
My heart is racing so fast, fast enough that I can hear it in my head. The loud thumping of it drowns out the subtle quiet steps of the man following close behind me. Mine and his ragged breathing the only thing audible against the banging of my racing heart.

I rehearse the Lord's Prayer to myself hoping that God will hear me and save me from this situation. Save me from this devil worker.

The man's footsteps pick up as I walk to my house walking into a more secluded section of town. I let out a small whimper as I suppress my urge to sob, my eyes welling up in fear as a dark chuckle emits from behind me.

I start to quicken my pace noticeably faster than what it was before so much so that the mans footsteps match up instantly my heart rate following suit.

I pull into an alley way out of brash thinking hoping to find something to hide behind. Instead the manic chuckling of the man scares me showing the bad decision I've  made as he picks up pace running at me.

I scream and run just before he grabs ahold of me crying out loudly as the mans chuckles bore into me.

My lungs burn with the air of the cold night, heaving up and down. My eyes glass over with warm tears slowly pooling.

From the haze in my vision I fail to notice a protruding rock falling over it. I come into contact with the hard ground a cold feeling coating my face as I taste dirt in my mouth. Without getting any time to react my shoulder is firmly clasped in a tight harsh hold.

I cry out only to be silenced as my face comes into contact with a brick wall. My eyes tighten slowly pouring hot tears as the deathly grip only tightens.

Suddenly I'm shoved further into the wall gritting my teeth as my mouth fills with the salty taste of my own tears.

The hand pulls off a dirty old shoe coming into contact with my stomach instead. The air knocks out of me as I cough my lungs former contents out into the cold night air feeling the warm mist surround me. My eyes widen allowing more tears to fall as I hear the man's belt buckle clank around.
"N-no please! I don't want this! N-no anything but that please!" I cry out sputtering like a broken record.
"Shut up will you?! Just take this like a good little slut!"
"N-no please no! I have money take it just don't touch me!"
"I don't want money little one, I just want satisfaction. And here you are a good little whore ready to give it to me."

I hear a loud flap almost like wings, is an angel here to save me? I open my eyes to see a mans tall figure behind the forty-ish man that has his pants clung around his ankles.

The handsome man steps forward further into the light allowing his godly features to show. He had coal black hair silkily shining in the moonlight. His chiseled features casting shadows on his pale skin. His eyes shone an unearthly wine red colour no sparkle to them but a somewhat gleam.

But the thing that truly caught my eye the thing that truely made my heart stop in a fit of disbelief was the beautiful pair of black wings adorning the mans back. W-was he an angel?

I swallow down all my doubt and caution and slowly let out a,
"P-please I'll do anything."

The man smirks coming forward his shiny black leather shoes clacking against the ground. He taps this perverts shoulder and the older male turns around,
"Who? Who are you?"

The angel smirks sending a fist flying across the mans face causing the man to fall backwards hitting the trash can beside me. The angel steps forth fisting the mans collar.

"Listen here you old earth scum, I don't like humans like you. The ones which only think with their dicks. I've watched You for quite some time, there's nothing to flaunt around

- The angel says using a wing to gesture to the mans crotch-

No wonder your wife left you. Now I want you to get up and leave, but not before handing your whole wallet to this little boy right here and leave in hmmm six point four eight two seconds."

The man nods quickly pulling out his wallet and handing all the money and credit cards to me.

"Two point three four seconds left." The angel reminds poking at his Rolex, at least that's what I though it was.

The man then nods running out of the alleyway when strong lights come into view and before I know it, a huge truck comes head on hitting the man flat out.

My eyes widen but the angel just chuckles. He then turns to me eyes still void of any reflectiveness.
he starts walking over to me before kneeling down to look me in the eyes.
....what's a cutie like you doing out here?"

Hey everyone! This is my new baby I hope you like her, I'm very proud of her and she's one of my favourites. New chapters published every day. Please tell me what you think about it ☺️😚

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