21. The Oldest Son

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Jungkook's POV
I stood by the cliff. The breeze blowing by softly the smell of cherry blossom gracefully dancing with the wind.

I had forgotten how beautiful this place was when it didn't hurt so bad to be here.

"Kookie?" I turn around and see Jimin walking towards me. After our bath I threw on a robe and let him change, it took longer than I thought so I walked out to clear my head.

Even spending less than five minutes away from him makes it look like he's brand new. I'll never get used to how fucking ethereal he is.

"Hello darling." Wrapping my arms around him a let my wings wrap around us, he nuzzles his face into my neck and I take a look at his outfit.

My robes were way to big for him but he still tried. The strands wrapped around his waist at least three times, and his shoulder was peaking through. The sharp lines of his collar bones catching the sun light. Hickeys decorating his skin, pride swells in me knowing that everyone was able to see my marks on him.

He looks down on himself and flushes pulling the robe covering himself. My hand tangled itself in the fabric of his collar and pulls it back down, an itch I didn't know I had being satisfied at the sight of the bright purples and reds.

"I've seen it all darling, don't cover up the marks of our love." He nods blush still apparent and holds my hand. I smile down at him and grip at his thighs.

The suns directly above us and I admire the glow his skin seems to have.

Usually his whole being glows but his skin reflecting just leaves such an otherworldly look.

"Truely Devine." I hear him giggle and I pat his thighs, he jumps up and wraps his legs around my waist.

"Close your eyes love."

Squeezing his eyes closed I feel him grip my shoulders tighter. I push him closer into me and step back. One foot on the cliff I bring one hand to his head and push his face into my chest.

Stepping off I feel the wind whip past us as my wings fly out. I hear him gasp fear tingling in my stomach, as the feeling of his distress makes me feel sick.

"It's ok baby you've done this before" I whisper as I see him tear up.

The ground nears and tighten my arms around his back.

The air is warm, the wind gone and quiet screams echoing in the background.

"It's ok baby we're here." I say, allowing my wings to shrivel back up inside of me.

He smiles back up, breathy, quiet, laughs leaving his lips while wiping tears away.

"Are you ok?" I ask as he pops down still smiling with gripping my forearm to steady himself.

"Yeah I'm ok,  just a little shaky." He says getting closer to me as I pet his head smiling down.

"Hey you two," I turn to see Taehyung walking towards us eyes tired and body stiff.

"Damn, have you not had any rest?" I ask walking towards him hand clasped in Jimin's.

"I've been reading up on the prayer and I've tried saying it myself over and over again trying to see if we needed the loyal worshipper part." He says rubbing at his eyes.


"Looks like we're gonna need it."

I turn to Jimin and he looks up at me,

"Love were going to need a loyal worshipper to read the prayer. You don't have to but I-

He cuts me off placing his hand on mine and smiling at both me and Taehyung.

"I told you I supported you. And that means doing what eve I can do to help. What do I have to read?" He says soft smile laced on his lips.

"You're an angel sweetheart." I say sighing into his golden hair.

"This is what you gotta read." Taehyung hands the crumpled paper to Jimin and Jimin glances over it before nodding.

"Our lord who art in heaven hallowed be thy name, send down your oldest son so he may provide mercy and cure my dismay. Cast the hands of evil off of me as you are so good, amen." He finishes the prayer and we stand there for a few seconds but nothing happens.

I feel a sense of dread wash over me and Taehyung look at the paper again.

"Why didn't it work?" I ask stuttering as my mouth goes dry.

"I don't know." He says massaging his forehead.

"Maybe it's cause we're in hell. He was locked out and forbidden by your father to come to hell anymore. Maybe that's why." I turn to Jimin as he finishes speaking and smile down at him as he bring his hand to his face in concentration.

"That could be it." Taehyung says as his wings push out from his back.

Jimin looks up at me and I allow my wings to show themselves as well.

We nod at each other as I pick up Jimin and wrap my arms tightly around him. Taking off first Taehyung follows.

The ceiling of the castle comes nearer as I fly into it but before we hit it the air turns cold. And the sweet scent of flowers become prominent.

Flying up the cliff side I hear Taehyung below me. The cliff I had previously jumped from thsi morning getting closer.

I feel Jimin move around as his head peaks up and sees where we are.

Little petals dancing in the wind get tangled in his hair as we reach the summit.

The snow flies from the ground like glitter as I land. Jimin hops off as ruffles his hair as Taehyung lands once again sending snow flying.

"Jimin darling try again," I say pacing the paper to him.

He nods reading it out once again.

"Our lord who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. I ask that you send down your oldest son so he may provide mercy and cure my dismay. Cast the evil off of me as you are so good, amen."

Jimin's glow flickers and I reach out for him but as I take the first step a blinding light stops me from stepping closer.

Fear bubbles within me and I reach out for him, I feel Jimin and pull him towards me.

I pull him behind me and open my eyes and there he was.


"Jin hyung."

Hello I'm back from my months break! Sorry everyone but I was studying really hard for the past month for my exams and selective school exams as well. Don't think I'll do well but there always next year. If you guys need to talk about anything I'm always right here to listen, please tell me if you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you tomorrow ☺️

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