11. Hunt

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Jungkook's POV

I felt a sudden pit in my chest and immediately I spread my wings and took off flying towards the over world. I take in a quick look of my surroundings and see myself in the corner store Jimin works at.

The cool air touches my skin and I turn around hearing silent shudders and hiccups.

"Jimin." I say breathless.

He looks up at me tears running over his lash line. As his small hands cupping his ankle.


"Fuck." I say leaning down removing his quivering hand from his ankle and slowly removing his shoe.

Taking off his socks I press my fingers against his skin. It's been so long I wonder if I can still do it.

I press my thumb into it, the skin turns white and stays like that, leaning down I press my lips against the thumb seized print feeling the blood rush in like liquid gold.

I hear him gasp and inhale deeply. Looking up I lock gaze with his half lidded eyes and burning cheeks.

"The pain, it's gone." I hear his silky voice sound soothing my worry.

I straighten my back and cup his cheek with my hand. Looking deep into his eyes I feel everything melt. The disgust, the bile I felt in my throat just moments ago down there listening to the sins people commit, its all gone. I feel my faith restored.

"How'd you know. How'd you know I was hurt." He says looking lost. Eyes blurred.

"I told you I'd come whenever you needed. But why'd you go to work? You're hurt you need to stay home." I say placing his socks and shoes back on.

"I really need the money, I couldn't afford missing a day of work." Jimin says breathing in deeply, the look of extreme worry etching itself on his face.

"And you'd risk your health? That's how bad you need it."

"My father doesn't work and so I need to support both him and me. It's hard and this job doesn't pay much so the extra hours helps me get by. Unfortunately if I miss even a day of work my boss'll sack me." He laughs dryly eyes downcast looking solemn.

"I can assure you, everyday now on you need not work. Take care of yourself you're too young to be working this hard." I say wrapping my arms more securely under his knees. Standing up I let him wrap his arms around my neck, as I wrapped my wings around our forms.

His eyes widened as his hands reached out for my wings, gentle strokes made my back shiver and my feathers tremble. His touch made me feel so exposed.

"Can I take you back home? Or is your father there?" I ask looking away feeling my skin burn again.

"He went out with a friend. I think, there was a phone call and he just left. He said he'll be gone for a week." He said sliding his hand from my wing to my shoulder grasping it firmly.

"A week that's a while." I say trying to get over the feeling of his hand on me. He'd held me before but now it felt different.

"It's the longest he's been away. Can't say that I'll be necessarily devastated." He says smiling up at me. My eyes get caught in the sparkle he emits and that's when i notice it.

His lips were no longer grey. In fact his whole being shone brighter. What was this? He'd committed sins of lust before marriage and yet he gleamed even brighter than before.

"You look brighter." I say out of no where, the words slipping out uncontrollably.

"I've been happier with you." He says easily. I feel my heart do a thing.

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