10. Your Sentence

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Jungkook's POV
I stand outside his house as the sun sets, I looked up at his window wondering if he went up ok.

I felt the crisp wind blow by me and suddenly I remember how much colder it is without him in my arms. His hands wrapped around my neck. Forehead against mine.

I don't know what it was but I was down on my throne and I felt such a strong sinking feeling. Only once in my existence have I felt pain.

That pain was so immense so strong that anything after that was just there. I thought I stopped feeling pain after it but I was wrong because as soon as Jimin fell my heart ached.

I turn around as the sun disappears from view and as I turn I feel the temperature burns up screams filling the once silent night air.

"You're back sire." I hear Taehyung's voice from behind me.

"Looks like just after you." I say turning around. I can see he's a little shocked but he composes himself immediately.

"What makes you say that?" He asks tilting his head to the side making his hair flip.

"Your hairs messed up, it's never windy down here and you take impeccable pride in your looks. Not only that I can see your arm hairs still raised like you've been out in the cold." I say picking at my nails.

He laughs and swipes a hand through his hair.

"You've got a keen eye kook. Yes I just came back."

"Why'd you lie."

"I didn't lie. I asked you why'd you bring it up I didn't deny it."

"But you didn't straight away tell the truth."

"You know me, I like to play."

"Not with me. What are you hiding."

"I'm hiding nothing."

"Do not lie to me." I say with a growl, aggression laced deep in my voice.

"I was watching you." He says


"Well sure you said we would hunt, but you held him in your arms cradling him like a baby when he falls and gets injured like every other human. You kissed him passionately but not in the way that would ravish him. You keep saying you want revenge but it just looks like you're falling for the human. for the fucking human. YOU falling for a human. I mean of course you would the smallest ounce of divinity and you back on your knees just like you were for him-

"DO NOT SPEAK OF HIS NAME." I scream body contorting and shifting. Skin glowing red and eyes burning.

"LIKE YOU EVEN REMEMBER IT YOURSELF!" he exclaims, his skin turning brown and cracked as gold seeps from the breaks in his scales.

"Do not speak of him like that. Don't you dare." I say skin cracking back into form and eyes simmering back to brown.

"I'm sorry." He says body already back to normal.

"Forget it, open the gates." I say walking back to my throne.

"Yes sire."

His voice booms as the gates open, he looks at me once more before letting his wings envelope him before flying off.

A woman with red eyes and pointed ribs walks in body trembling.

"State your name."

"My name is Nerissa Williams."

I stare deep into her eyes, her will was non existent as the knot came undone.

"Why are you here?" I ask holding my head up with my hand.

"I was fifteen and pregnant. My boyfriend convinced me to keep the baby and I thought we were soulmates so I did. When my parents found out they kicked me out of the house and I went to go live with my boyfriend. After I gave birth my boy friend started showing up less and less. Until he didn't show up at all. As a sixteen year old there wasn't many jobs on the market for me. The bills, the clothes, the expenses became too much. So I killed my child by drowning her while giving her a bath and pretended that I had an abortion. I came back to my parents and they took me in. Five years later while going through my clothes I saw one of her tops that I must've slipped over. Emotion over come me and I took my own life holding her shirt."

I felt pity for the girl, I really did. But a baby. An innocent child.

"Your sentence is to live eternity feeling like your drowning. Stuck under water, helpless and confined."

She left and the door opened again. An old lady walked in body frail and hair white.

"State your name."

"Atlas evermire."

I looked into her eyes and she came undone immediately her old age rattling her resistance.

"Why are you here?"

"When I was sixteen I liked a boy, being the most popular girl in school I asked him out knowing he'd say yes. He rejected me. In front of everyone. So I spread a rumour that he told me the only reason he rejected me was because he was gay. The boys started picking on him. I didn't know how bad it's get so I encouraged it. Then one day after gym we were called into the assembly hall. The principle told us he had committed suicide. They first thought it to be a gang assault but they found out he had over dosed on Xanax. They thought it was a gang assault because he was covered in bruises, and his penis was mutilated. It was then found that the boys... the boys I encouraged ended up assaulting him in the changing room grabbing his privates and kicking him and doing unspeakable things to him. And it was because of me."

I felt rage simmer in me.

"Your sentence is to an eternity of abandonment, you'll feel everything he felt but doubled."

I closed my eyes and massaged my head. I've spent an eternity down here and it still shakes me every time I stay here and listen for long enough.

Time down here is slower than up there. That way one person shows up in what feels like down here thirty minutes.

The doors creak open again, sending screeches along the chamber. This person had done a lot. I could feel it. The doors felt heavy, the air thick.

I looked up and I felt my fists tighten.


There in front of me stood the man that I myself had helped leave this world. The man who could've hurt my Jim- Prey.

"State you name."

"Mathew lee."

"I know what you've done. I know everything already."

"I don't belong here I took what I deserved."

"You deserve nothing! But I can give you something to deserve, i sentence you to an eternity of fire, boiling oil, and skinning. Pain an eternity of pain. I will peal your skin only to have it grow back. Gouge your eyes out only to have you watch it happen again." My eyes burned and my fist covered in red and my skin blistered with the heat of wrath.

It'd been a while since I've given someone a pure torture treatment but I felt physically ill thinking of letting him off with anything less.

Demons rose from the corners of the room pinching at his skin as shrill screams filled the room.

They were going to have fun with him.

Watching him being pulled away I thought back to Jimin. Is he ok? Should I check on him.
"It just looks like you're falling for a human"

Never mind.

Hello everyone! Please tell me what you think, if you want to talk to me about anything I'd be happy to listen. I hope you're all happy and healthy have a good day ☺️

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