8. Hoarder

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*not edited*

Aria's POV:

"Wow these are all from the 60's?" I gasp as I walk into the room. It was located on the far end of the second floor. I had always wondered what it held.

"Yup, I figured you could rummage through it and find something." Damon says leaning against the door frame as he watches me.

"You know, I love that you and Stefan are hoarders." I say, smiling at him.

"What the hell, how are we hoarders?!" Damon demands pushing himself off the door frame.

Giving him an 'are you kidding me' look I gesture around the room. "You're joking right? I swear I wouldn't be surprised if he had enough room in the house for every decade you were alive. You guys keep so much stuff!"

"And if we didn't you'd be paying a large amount of money for a cheap costume." Damon says smugly.

"You're absolutely right. That's why I'm glad I have a fossil that hoards things." I say jokingly.

Rolling his eyes, he walks over and stands next to me, beginning to go through the racks of clothing. He pauses for a second and glances at me with a smile. "Here. This one." He pulls out a pretty pink dress. I couldn't help but smile as he shows it to me.

"I love it." I say taking it from him. The smile slightly falls off my face as I stare at it.

"What? What's wrong?" He asks worriedly.

"I just-I can't help but think something will go wrong. Every decade dance we've gone to has ended badly." I sigh sadly. "I'm just exhausted."

"Oh, muffin. Come here." He sighs pulling me into him. He wraps his arms tightly around me. "I'm sorry, sometimes I wish we hadn't impacted your life as much as we did."

"No, don't say that. If it wasn't for all this craziness we wouldn't have met—

"No, we would have still met. I would have made sure of it. I just wish that I had done a better job at keeping you safe and making sure you could still live your normal teenage years."

"What do you mean you would have made sure? If you didn't know me how could you make sure?" I ask furrowing my brows.

"That's a story for another time." Damon mumbles pulling away from me. Not bothering to push for answers, I nod my head. "I think you should start getting ready within the next couple hours so I can scope out the area."

Nodding my head I walk towards the door to start making my way to our room. Pausing, I hesitantly turn back to him. "Damon?"


"I know you and Stefan say it's your job to protect me and my sister but, it's also my job to protect you. I know I can't protect you the way you protect me but I do intend to do all that I can to keep YOU safe. No matter the cost." I say looking at him. I watch as he goes to protest, knowing that the last part of what I said bothered him. "Don't argue with me, Damon. You're my best friend. I'll do anything to make sure you don't die."

"I appreciate that, Aria. But don't EVER think I'd allow you to sacrifice even a breath to save my life."


"No, now you don't argue with me, got it? I would die for you. And I'll be damned if you even so much as get a paper cut for my sake." He grunts.

"That's not fair!" I demand.

"Life's not fair, muffin." He shrugs. "Now go, before I change my mind and make you stay her tonight."

"One day Damon, it's gonna be me needing to save you and I can't wait for that." I say amused as I walk out of the room.

"Never gonna happen!!!"


HI FOLKS!! Ok so this is a filler chapter. I'm currently trying to write Aria into the decade dance episode without having to force her presence lol

So what do you think Damon meant when he said he would make sure he and Aria would cross paths regardless of the circumstances 👀👀 and guesses or theories??

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