2. Useful

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To my RRs this is a brand new chapter added on!

Salvatore boarding house:
3rd POV:

Pacing back and forth, Aria runs her hands through her hair. The stress she felt was infuriating. Damon refuses to let her go with him to the Gilbert Cabin. He claimed that Elijah was unpredictable and she needed to stay safe.

The sound of the front door opening, pulls her out of her thoughts. Rushing over, she sees both Damon and Stefan carrying Elijah's body. Elena trails in right behind them, pulling her sister into a hug. The girls follow the two down into the basement. Observing as they place Elijah's limp body into the cell.

"Well what do we have here? A little moonstone bar of soap." Damon grunts, pulling the rock out of the suit pocket.

"So that's it? I mean, as long as we keep the dagger in there, then he stays dead." Elena clarifies.

"Pretty much."

"You know you guys want me to fight, fine, I'll fight. But if were gonna do this, you can't keep anything from me anymore. From this moment on, we're doing it my way." Elena demands.

"That seems fair." Damon sighs.


"Ok then. Goodnight."

Aria watched as her sister exits the basement. Turning to the two men she crosses her arms waiting for them to speak.

"Seems like she's had a change of attitude. How did you get through to her?" Damon asks.

"I told her a little story about when I was making the wrong decisions and somebody showed me there was a better way."

"Lexi?" Aria asks.

"Yea. You remember her, Damon?"

Damon doesn't say anything, he simply stares at his brother. Stefan shakes his head, walking up the steps back to the first floor of the house. Grabbing his hand, Aria leads him up the stairs as well.

Once they reached the room, Damon swings the door open. Aria's brows furrowing when she sees the steam.

"Andy is still here?" She sighs out.

"Hello, Damon. Aria. Do you have a robe?"

Both Damon and Aria's jaws hit the floor. There stood Katherine in her birthday suit. Aria turns to Damon giving him a look.

"Don't say it."

"I told you."

Next day; Rick's classroom:

"It was bad. John planted all these seeds about Isobel and Jenna knows I'm lying about something."

"Johns gonna end up dead on the kitchen floor if he's not careful." Elena states.

"You sure about that? It almost happened once and look, he's still breathing." Aria points out.

"Well, I gave him back his ring. So it looks like he won't be kicking the bucket anytime soon." Alaric sighs. "Jenna keeps asking about Isobel, you know, was she murdered? Why haven't they found the body?"

"You know I get you're lying to her about it but imagine if you weren't? Kinda messed up for Jenna to assume these things." Aria mumbles deep in thought.

"It's because I'm lying! She can see that, I mean, how much longer can she stay in the dark?" Alaric asks.

"You think we should tell her the truth?" Elena asks.

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