23. Dinner for 5

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All these episodes are so hard to fit Aria in sometimes. Especially when they're just filler episodes that don't really have a purpose 😩

Grammar errors not edited

Arias POV:

The Salvatores, what can I say about the Salvatore brothers? They're manipulative little shits. That's what I have to say.

"Come on Aria, it'll be fun." Damon wines

"I'm sorry, how do you have the nerve to ask me this after what you did?" I ask Damon.

"Ok, I'm asking you to go with us." Stefan says, as if that's better.

"You tried to kill me."

"Please! We're begging you!"

"Why? And why would you think I'd say yes? I'm mad at you." I state.

"Little A please." Stefan says busting out my old nickname.

"No. Besides even if I want too, I don't have anything to wear." I say hoping it would get me out of this.

"Problem solved."

A large smile appears on their faces as Damon holds up an all black outfit. I internally groan, knowing these boys weren't going to take no for an answer.

"Really? We're all going to match? So stupid." I groan.

Grabbing the clothes from Damon I stomp into Stefan's room. I could hear them grumbling about how difficult I am which made me smile. These boys were going to be the death of me, so might as well make my time with them difficult.

Once I'm done changing I exit the room and give them a bored look.

"Come on. Us matching is cool."

"Whatever let's just go."

3rd POV:
Mikaelson home:

"I'm not sure why we had to knock." Damon grumbles. "They're vampires they know we're here."

"Because it's the polite thing to do. I'm sorry you don't have manners." Aria scolds.

"I have manners! I only use them when I feel li—"

Damon stops talking as the large door swings open. Aria's mouth drops open as she stares at the person who opened the door.

"Niklaus, our guests have arrived"

Slowly the three walk into the home. Aria trailing behind, catching the attention of the older original.

"Ah and they brought the lovely Aria. A pleasure to see you again Ms.Gilbert."

"Elijah." Aria greets as he grabs her hand places a gentle kiss to it. A blush creeps up her neck as he places a hand on her back and leads her to the dining room. She could see Klaus from the corner of her eye, an annoyed look on his face.

"Damon. Stefan. Ah Aria. Fancy seeing you here"

"I was forced to come." Aria grumbles.

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