25. Morning after.

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*grammar errors not edited*

Aria POV:

My eyes flutter open, the light from the window shining through. Looking around the room I realised I was alone. My eyes begin to water—dont jump to conclusions Aria. Taking a deep breath, I wrap the sheets around me and walk to the bathroom. I find the tooth brush that Klaus left for me. I quickly brush my teeth and make my way back to the bed. While I was waiting I heard voices down stairs.

"Well well well there's our girl" I couldn't put a name to the voice so I wait a tad bit longer.

"Get out of my way Kol." Rebekah demands.

Sighing in relief at the sound of someone familiar, I slip on Klaus' shirt and wrap the sheet around my body walking to the door.

"Out all night what a scandal." Kol says dramatically "I trust you did better than that commoner, Matt was it?"

"If you don't shut your mouth the next thing to come out of it will be your teeth." Wow this family has a weird love for each other. "Don't start Nik!"

I took that as my cue to walk out of his room and down the stairs.

"I didn't say anything" Klaus chuckles.

"Good because you're not allowed to judge!" Rebekah says while looking at me. I begin to blush when they all turn towards me.

"Good morning pumpkin" Klaus says smiling at me. He gestures for me to come to him so I do. As I go towards him I notice that he was sketching. He quickly moves his sketch book out of the way and pulls me down onto his lap.

"Well I'm bored! It seems like our sister is a strumpet and you have your own Nik but at least you're having fun!" Kol says dramatically throwing himself on the other couch.

"Don't call her that!" Klaus growls at him for insulting me.

"Oh someone is grumpy" Kol mocks. "I need entertainment"

"What are you waiting for? Go on have at it." Klaus says as he slips one of his hands in the sheet that's wrapped around me and begins to rub my naked thigh. He places his face in the crook of my neck and places a kiss there.

"It's no fun to go alone! Join me Nik. It's the least you can do after sticking a dagger in my heart."

"Yes please go! This house has enough men rolling around in it." Rebekah says

"Just like you, Bekah!" Kol says smirking causing Rebekah to throw her shoe at him.

"He as a point Niklaus, you owe him a little of your time to bond as a family" I say to him while leaning back so I can wrap my arms around his neck.

"Yea listen to your girlfriend!" Kol says smiling.

"Ok, why not."Klaus says smiling "I haven't had nearly enough to drink last night with you trying to murder Rebekah's date."

"Oh I don't know Nik, it seems to me you had plenty to drink" Rebekah says glancing at my neck.

"Oh nice, Nik! You found a girl who's willing to give it all!" Kol says amused. I begin to blush so I hide my face in Klaus' neck.

"Shut It." Klaus says chuckling.

"So when are we leaving Nik?!" Kol says impatiently. As he says this Klaus moves his hand up towards my private area. He soon realises I'm not wearing underwear. He quickly looks up at me with lust in his eyes.

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