22. Betrayal

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This episode I wrote is rushed, I'm trying to get to the juicy parts sooo 🤷🏽‍♀️

Grammar errors not edited.

Aria's POV:

"I just can't believe you guys have kept this from us the whole time." Elena says.

"I can, you guys keep everything from me." I point out.

"Stefan thought if you knew where the coffins were Klaus could threaten people to get the information out of you."

"So these are the rest of his family?" Elena asks.

"Yea, Elijah and two others."

"Shame, Elijah was very sweet and cute." I say. Earning smiles and nods of agreement from the girls.

"This one is the one we can't open. We don't know who's in it or what's in it." Bonnie says standing next to the big coffin. "Only that I think my dream is telling me it can help kill Klaus."

I keep my head down as I stare at the floor. The conversation of killing Klaus, making me uncomfortable.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Turning around, I see Stefan storm into the abandoned home. A look of anger on his face.

"I needed them to know about the coffins."

"And I needed you to keep them out of it Bonnie."

"I think I know who can open the coffin Stefan. I need them to help me find her."

"Find who?"

"I couldn't place her face at first then I realised." Bonnie murmurs, showing us an old photo.

"Oh my god Bonnie" Elena says.

"I'll have sheriff Forbes look her up see what we can find." I say.

"Who is this?" Stefan asks.

"My mom."

Gilbert household:

"Los alamitos?" Elena asks handing Bonnie the sheet.

"No too old." Bonnie says

"Honolulu?" I ask showing her the picture.

"Uh I wish. How many of these are there?"

"A lot I asked the sheriff's office to pull up every single Abby Bennett in the country." I state.

"I know we haven't been able to really--that things have been weird because of Jeremy so thank you. It's surreal having to track down a woman who bailed on her own kid."

"You know you don't have to right?" Elena tells her.

"Let Stefan obsess over opening up the coffin." I say.

"It doesn't have to fall on you."

"The coffin is spelled shut that makes it a witch problem, so it does fall on me. I was bound to see my mother again sooner or later."

"Sooner" Damon states walking into the house. "Abby Bennett Wilson. Monroe, North Carolina. Born in Mystic Falls graduated Mystic Falls High blah blah blah."

"How did you even—how?" I ask confused.

"A little compulsion helps speed up the research process" Damon says as he kisses my forehead.

"This is her"

"Yup, road trip I call shot gun!"

"Yea, no." Elena tells Damon.

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