15. Bad chili

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Just FYI I skipped the two episodes between this one and the birthday one because it was just Elena going on 2 missions to bring Stefan back and I wasn't about to try and fit Aria into that 🙃

*grammar errors not edited*

Arias POV:
Gilbert home:

"I just don't know why you want to bring chilli to a potluck. Everybody brings chilli." Damon says casually has he goes through our kitchen drawers. Rolling my eyes I continue to help Elena with the chilli.

"Hey Ric what's up." I say as he walks into the room.


"What time do you want to go to the Lockwood party?" Elena asks him.

"Those founders parties are not really my thing." Ric says

"Show up there's going to be nine other people that brought chilli." Damon says dramatically.

"It's an old family recipe, ok." Elena says annoyed.

"Yea I know. I knew your old family. They made sucky chilli!" Damon says taking the knife from me deciding to help. I give him a look and he gently hip bumps me causing me to laugh and shove him back. Only to receive a wet tongue running up my face.

"Ew Damon!!! That's gross!" I say wiping my face.

"Why is he here exactly?"

"He thinks Elena is going to break and he thinks I can't cook which isn't true and you know it!" I say.

"I'm not going to break I am going to be making chilli and Aria is going to help me because she is a decent cook. I'm also going to pretend that I didn't just spend the entire summer looking for someone who didn't want to be found." Elena says frustratedly and clearly wanting to break. I rub her arm gently.

"Just so we're clear I'm annoyed you didn't take me with you!!!" I say to no one in particular since all three went on the Rocky Mountain adventure to find Stefan.

"She's in denial and muffin you know that it was for your safety." Damon says.

"I'm not in denial."

"What about Elena?! She's human too!"

"No? You're still wearing this necklace. Isn't this the reminder of your unbreakable bond with Stefan? And muffin we all know you're the weak link here. We don't always want to save you and comfort you. Sometimes you're just in the way! It can be annoying! Sometimes we just want to get in and get out. Therefore you just stay out of the way and don't intervene." Damon says to the both of us.

"Damon!" Elena and Ric say at the same time.

I can slowly feel myself getting upset. He has never spoken to me this way. I knew everything Damon said was right, yet it hurt when I actually heard him say it. I know he probably didn't mean for it to come off harshly but it did.

They all glance at me, two of them with a look of concern and one with a look of regret. Probably waiting for me to cry, well not today buddy! "Yea well guess what Damon. You already showed me that you don't always like being there for me. So that's nothing new." I say harshly while slamming the knife down into the counter I quickly pick up the ring Klaus gave me and slipped it back on my finger. I go to exit the kitchen but not before shoving past Mr. jackass.

"Nice going Damon."

"I didn't mean for it to come out harshly!" I hear him say. "I'll be back."

"Don't bother her, give her time to relax"

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