3. Not so dead

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AN: Sorry I haven't uploaded I've been on vacation!! I'm currently furloughed due to covid and it's been so nice having so much free time on my hands!! Im always working so it's nice to relax and not worry!

This is a filler chapter!! I will be posting a super long one within the next couple days!!

Aria's POV:

No signal.

No signal.

No signal.

You got to be kidding. Groaning loudly, I hold my phone in the air, hoping that my call would go through. Holding on the car with my other hand I stick one of my legs in the air. Still nothing. Thank you dad, for lying to me and saying that would work.

Groaning once more I glare down at the flat tire. Just my luck, in the middle of nowhere with a flat tire and no signal. I'm going to have to speak to Damon about moving closer. Because the Salvatore home being a slight ways far was annoying.

The cold breeze wraps around me causing a shiver to run down my spine. Kicking the deflated tire, I groan when pain shoots through it. Rolling my eyes I attempt to call Damon again. No signal. God, if this is punishment for putting chewed gum in Caroline's hair when we were kids, I'm sorry.




The clock ticked by, my confusion growing. Why the hell hadn't anyone realized I wasn't home yet? Why hadn't Damon realized I hadn't called him? I sit inside my car, marinating I'm self pity when I spot headlights. Quickly getting out of the car I wave my hands desperately.

"Hey!! Help!!" I shout causing the car to pull over.

"Dang, I'm glad I took this route instead of the other. Who knows how long you'd be out here. Is it alright if I help?"The man says amused as he gets out of his truck.

"Yes please...I'm useless when it comes to cars." I say smiling at him gratefully.

The kind stranger nodded his head and got to work. The man who's name i learned is Peter, was fast. The man had my tire fixed in no time. He was handsome, his dark chocolate skin was smooth and muscular. His teeth a pearly white.

"You are all set." He grunts as he stands. "I recommend heading to the mechanic shop tomorrow morning so they can replace the tire. You don't want to be driving around with a janky spare for too long."

"Thank you so much!" I gush out happily.

"You're welcome! Drive safe now!" He says shaking my hand.

"You too!" I say happily as I watch him get into his truck and drive away.

Quickly getting into my car I begin to drive down the road. The relief I felt was overwhelming as I get closer to the house.


I could feel my annoyance grow when I see Elena's car in the drive way. Sister, could you not answer your phone? Pulling into the drive way, I get out of my car, slamming the door. Stomping up the porch steps, I throw the front door open.

"So none of you couldn't be bothered to answer your—what the heck is going on?" I ask, spotting the three vampires standing next to the stair case.

"Aria, thank God." Elena sighs pushing past Katherine and pulls me into a hug.

"Can someone explain what the heck is going on? And why no one could answer their phone? I was stranded with a flat tire in the middle of nowhere!"

"Told you I didn't touch her. No matter how much I'd like to." Katherine says amused as she walks past me and sniffs me.

"Leave. Before I snap your neck." Damon grunts.

"Mm, kinky." The Petrova vampire smirks, sauntering out of the house.

"Why was she here?" I ask turning to the others.

"Jonas. He attacked us at the Grill. Set the place on fire, Katherine suggested we take precautions when we came home. She was right, she killed him when he tried to kill her, thinking it was me."

"Suddenly my flat tire doesn't seem like that big a deal. Kinda glad it happened." I sigh out. "I do think you guys need to leave before Jenna gets home."

"She's right, we need to dispose of Jonas' body too." Stefan sighs pushing himself from his leaning position on the wall. He goes over to Elena and places a kiss to her forehead. "I'll call you later."

"Give me your keys." Damon says turning to me. "I'll take your car to get a new tire. In the mean time you can use my car."

Nodding my head I put my keys in his hand. He takes them, fishing his own out of his pocket and giving them to me. He gives me a gentle kiss on the cheek before following his brother out the door.

"I have a headache." Elena grunts, making our way to the kitchen.

"Nothing some rocky road ice cream can't fix." I say opening the freezer and taking out the pint of ice cream. Elena opens the drawer and pulls out two spoons, handing one to me.

"This is the highlight of my day." Elena sighs as she takes a spoon full of ice cream.

"Mine was the handsome guy who helped put the spare tire on my car." I sigh happily.

"Should've asked for his number." Elena says amused. Shaking my head, I dig into the ice cream.

"Na. He was just passing through. Besides someone as good looking as him has to be taken." I groan.

The sound of the front door opening and closing pulls out attention away from the pint of deliciousness. Elena immediately pulls out another spoon placing it on the counter just as Jenna walks up.

"Hey you're home." I say to Jenna, the look of stress on her face evident.

"Tonight was very weird. Be happy you missed out." Jenna states, placing her things down.

"Tell me about it." Elena sighs, continuing to eat.

"With the way you look, I'm glad my flat tire stranded me." I say jokingly, trying to lighten the mood. It works, both girls begin to laugh, as we shovel ice cream into our mouths.

"Are Jeremy and John asleep?" Jenna asks.

"We think so."

"If I go to bed right now, there's a chance I'll wake up hangover free." Jenna says.

"Crossing fingers." I mumble, mouth full of ice cream.

The sound of the doorbell ringing echoes through the house, our brows furrowing. The confusion consumes us as we look at the time, who could possibly be coming over this late?

"Who's that?" Jenna asks voicing my thought as she gets up. Curiously both Elena and I follow closely behind her. Opening the door, Jenna frame blocks us from seeing the person.

"Hi, you must be Jenna." The voice immediately causing me to freeze. "I'm Elena and Aria's mother."


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