14. Birthdays

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*grammar errors not edited*

Arias POV:

Long. This past summer has been long. Adjusting to not having Stefan and trying to make sure my sister doesn't lose it. My stress level was rising, Elena was constantly around. I love my sister, however I don't like sharing Damon's attention. I wouldn't mind as much if she was providing a happy environment, but she wasn't.

A sigh leaves my lips as I stand in Damon's bedroom. Studying my reflection in the floor mirror.

"You look beautiful muffin."

Smiling I look at Damon through the reflection of the mirror. He looked handsome as he leaned against the door frame.

"Why do you seem down? It's your birthday! Let loose." He says while fist pumping.

I smile at him as he walks up behind me. He quickly wraps his arms around me, causing me to lean into him. he places a gentle kiss to my temple. "I know, I just feel like we need to be looking for Stefan. Elena is going crazy and you aren't helping by hiding your Stefan locator room." I groan.

"It's for the best and you know that." He says as he pulls away "now enjoy your party and if you feel like being a Debby downer let me know and I will gladly be one with you!"

"Does that mean I can drink?" I ask raising a brow.

"Absolutely not. It's not good for you and you're underage." He says shaking his head.

"So is Elena!"

"I don't care about Elena as much as I do about you! Now have fun! It's a party!" He says as he makes his way out of the room.

"They drink at parties!" I shout to him.

"You don't!"

Rolling my eyes, I turn back to the mirror and smile. Pausing, I double check to make sure Damon wasn't near. Sighing in relief, I walk over to my closet and open the door. Scanning the room, I spot the mini chest in the back corner.

The first time this chest made an appearance was the day after Stefan left. I was on my way back from my house. When I opened my car door, there it was on my passenger seat. Inside it contained a letter. It was short and sweet, with an explanation of the chest. Put something in and the person who had the other chest would receive it. That's when it began, the constant letters. He never fails to send one, some have been long, some short. He never misses a day. Yet I still haven't found the courage to send one back. How could I? With everything that's happened.

Walking over to it, I swiftly open it and feel disappointed. Empty. I shouldn't feel sad, so why do I? Taking a deep breath I shake it off and close it.

Exiting the bedroom, I make my way downstairs. The second I reach the bottom of the stair case, I feel immediate regret. Elena approaches us and we share a look. People, tons and tons of people. Drunk people, hopefully no one has tried to dip into Damon's expensive stash. Linking arms with my sister, we walk through the house, people wishing us a happy birthday.

"You like!" A bubbly Caroline shouts over the music as she walks over to us.

"It's definitely something." I mumble as I look around.

"This is keeping it small?" My sister asks.

"Oh come on, don't be like that! It's your guys birthday!" Caroline says trying to make it better.

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